Iola Historical Society April 29 meeting to hear about historical canoe

Machine Shed on the campus of the Iola Historical Society

The Iola Historical Society will convene its April meeting and program on Monday, April 29, at the Machine Shed located at 222 Depot Street, Iola.

The highlight of the evening will be the program at 7 p.m., featuring guest speakers Dr. Sissel Schroeder, an anthropologist from the University of Wisconsin, and Tamara Tomsen, a marine archaeologist with the Wisconsin Historical Society. They will discuss the historical significance of the Iola Historical Society’s dugout canoe.

Attendees can expect an in-depth exploration of the canoe’s history and cultural importance, as well as a presentation of recent findings related to this unique artifact. The discussion will offer insights into Wisconsin’s maritime history and the dugout canoe’s role in the region’s past.

The board meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m., followed by a membership meeting at 6:30 p.m. Key agenda items include planning a Memorial Day tribute to veterans, finalizing the Tastes ‘n’ Tunes event venue, and exploring a potential group tour to Gausdal, Norway, in August 2025.

The meeting is expected to conclude with plans for upcoming events and initiatives. Members and attendees are encouraged to participate actively in the discussion to shape future activities and community engagement.

The next board and membership meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, May 28.