Village of Scandinavia Board Oct. 13 minutes

Scandinavia Municipal Center

The monthly meeting of the Village of Scandinavia Board was held on Oct. 13 in the community room of the Scandinavia Municipal Center.

President Dave Mork called the meeting to order at 5 p.m.

Members present: Dave Mork, Mike Hayes, Chris Williams, Kelton Wilhite, Treasurer Judy Watson, and Clerk Renee Smith. Member absent: Bob Fredy. Also present: Ray Przekurat and Sarah Thiel of the Iola/Scandinavia School District, Atty. David Forsythe, Wayne and Sheila Luck, and Ray and Justin Hahn of the Vikings Snowmobile Club.

President Mork asked for approval of the agenda; motion made (Wilhite/Williams). Motion carried unanimously. Motion made (Wilhite/Williams) to approve the Board’s September meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Ray Przekurat, district administrator, and Sarah Thiel, business manager, from Iola-Scandinavia School District were present to discuss the upcoming referendum question on the Nov. 3 ballot. This referendum, if passed, would replace the non-recurring 5-year operating referendum passed in 2016. This is also a 5-year, non-recurring operating referendum. The school district is asking for what it needs to keep schools running as they are right now. The impact for a property valued at $150,000 would be $2 per month or $120 over the five (5) year period.

Van Dyke property

Pete Van Dyke was scheduled to be present but called to say he would be unable to attend due to illness. However, he is willing to make himself available via telephone. Atty. David Forsythe was present to discuss the zoning violations at 330 North Main Street with Mr. Van Dyke.

With Mr. Van Dyke on the phone, Atty. Forsythe asked Mr. Van Dyke what his intentions were with 330 North Main Street. Mr. Van Dyke stated he would like to open “Pete’s Garage” and sell antique automobile parts, collectibles, and memorabilia. He has the paperwork ready to apply for an LLC with the State of Wisconsin. Mr. Van Dyke stated he has moved a couple of vehicles out of the building and continues to work on cleaning out what he does not plan to sell. Much of what is in the building he plans on selling.

To keep this process moving forward, Atty. Forsythe asked that Mr. Van Dyke provide an inventory of what is currently in the building and a timeline for which he plans on opening the business. Mr. Van Dyke said businesses like this are seasonal and most of them do not operate during the winter months. Mr. Van Dyke does not want to be open during the winter months either. At this point in time, and due to Covid-19, he would like to open in the spring if it is safe to do so at that time.

On Aug. 10 Mr. Van Dyke’s building was inspected by Robert Viste, Building Inspector. The report states that Mr. Van Dyke must complete the following before opening the building to the public: Building plans required for permit; electric and water services restored to building; mechanical exhaust ventilation system restored to working order; second exit door; all “exist” lights in working order; restroom in working order; all work must be performed by licensed contractors; all work must be inspected by Mr. Viste before business opening date.

Mr. Van Dyke will work directly with Atty. Forsythe in completing these steps. Atty. Forsythe will report progress to the Board in November.

Lisa Shirek was not present.

Vikings Snowmobile Club

Ray and Justin Hahn from the Vikings Snowmobile Club were present to discuss the possible purchase or lease of land from the Village of Scandinavia. The parcel they are interested in is 28-15-41-8 because it is close to the Tomorrow River Trail. The Club presented three options. Each option would have a pole building approximately 30×40 feet with steel siding and roof.

Option A: To purchase one (1) acre at the price of $4,600.

Option B: To purchase two (2) acres at the price of $7,500.

Option C: To lease two (2) acres with a 100-year lease. This lease would be an agreement between the Village of Scandinavia and the Vikings Snowmobile Club. To bind the agreement, the Vikings will pay the Village $1.00 per year. Should the Vikings Snowmobile Club decide not to continue with the agreement, they would forfeit the building to the Village of Scandinavia and the lease would be dissolved.

The Board expressed interest in working with the Club. However, options A and B are below market value. The Board offered $10,000 per acre. With follow-up conversation the Board also agreed to a possible 5-year payoff. Also discussed was a possible parking location for snowmobilers looking to use the trail. The Board offered the use of Parcel #25-15-42-6 owned by the Village and Town of Scandinavia. The Village would take responsibility for the snow removal on this piece of property. Ray and Justin Hahn will take this information back to their Board for further discussion.

Municipal Center

Municipal Center items discussed:

Parking lot repairs and paving alley right-of-way bid opening took place at the Annual Town and Village of Scandinavia Board meeting on September 21, 2020. Two bids were received and opened at 4:30 PM with the two bidders in attendance. Winning bid was given to Faulks Bros. and American Asphalt. Project will move forward and will be completed before the Nov. 3 election.

New service doors and handicap entrance were also discussed at the Sept. 21 Annual Town and Village of Scandinavia Board meeting. Received proposal from Much Construction. Esser Glass proposal has not yet been received. Will report back when received.

Ordinance violations

Delinquent dog licenses discussed. Treasurer Watson gave report from Dave Heise, Code Enforcement Officer. Mr. Heise has tried to talk to several residents, but believes they are reluctant to answer the door due to Covid-19. There are several residents believed to have a dog but have not yet licensed it. Treasurer Watson will send reminder letters to those residents again.

Unlicensed/inoperable vehicles discussed. Inoperable and/or unlicensed vehicle located at 380 North Main Street. Letter was sent to owner in September. Vehicle still there as of today’s meeting. Need to verify license expiration date. If expired, another letter to be sent giving vehicle owner(s) 15 days to license or remove.

Sewer items

Hydro-Klean has completed the inspection and repairs to the Village sewer system. It was suggested by Hydro-Klean to have a pipeline inspection done of the sewer system to find possible leaks or weaknesses in the system. Clerk Smith will contact Jake Nanti from Hydro-Klean for a quote.

Other business

FEMA reimbursement of $8,684.53 for the windstorm damage of July 19, 2019, was received. Only expenditures left to pay are the volunteers who helped clear storm debris from the roadways.

Booster Club update given by Mike Hayes. Nothing new to report.

Waupaca County Building Inspector services discussed. Trustee Fredy will get more information on the costs and services they offer villages and cities having their own zoning ordinances.

The meeting was recessed at 6:30 p.m. to hold the quarterly Silver Lake Rehabilitation District meeting. The Village Board meeting reconvened at 6:59 p.m.

Bills for the month were reviewed. Motion made (Fredy/Wilhite) to approve claims as presented. Motion carried unanimously. See addendum.

Cash fund account balances were verified by Trustee Williams.

Motion made (Hayes/Williams) to appoint Connie Terheggen, Tangelia Karpinski and Cara Frias as November election workers. Motion carried unanimously.

An offer of $7,000 came in for 690 Oak Street (Lot #23). The current asking price is $11,900. The Board rejected the offer. The Board is willing to offer 10 percent off asking price.

Motion made (Williams/Hayes) to renew annual contract with Zillmer Assessment Service in the amount of $2,645. Motion carried unanimously.

Sewer Operator Brian Boutwell requested an increase in pay of $50 per month and $25 per quarter for sampling. Brian has not had a pay increase in four years. Motion made (Hayes/Wilhite) to increase Brian’s wage to $375 monthly and $475 quarterly for sampling. Motion carried unanimously.

DNR response to CMAR discussed. The Village received an “F” in Influent Flow and Loadings and a “D” in Ponds. The Board is hoping that the recent inspection and repairs done on the manholes will remedy the “F” grade received for Influent Flow and Loadings. Brian Boutwell will be meeting with our DNR Representative Roy Van Gheem on Oct. 16 for a visual inspection of the lagoon and sewer system. Will discuss in more length when more information is known from this meeting.

The owners of 310 N Main Street have requested to have the sewer fees waived for this property. This building has not had water or sewer since the December 15, 2019 fire. Motion made (Hayes/Wilhite) to waive sewer fees for 310 North Main Street. Motion carried unanimously.

The 2020 delinquent sewer service discussed. A letter will be going out Oct. 15 to all delinquent sewer accounts informing the owners if not paid by Nov. 14 the delinquent amount will be added to their tax roll.


The 2020 budget to date reviewed.

Preliminary 2021 budget figures reviewed. 2021 ambulance budget request came in higher than anticipated. Treasurer Watson will review and discuss at November’s Budget Hearing.

The 2021 financial needs discussed. There are several items to consider budgeting for. The Municipal Center is aging and is 30 years old now. There are several maintenance items such as new furnaces, new flooring, and a building generator that should be considered. Will discuss further at November’s Budget Hearing.

Public Budget Hearing has been scheduled for Nov. 10 at 6 p.m. in the meeting room of the Scandinavia Municipal Center.

New Village letterhead presented to the Board for consideration. Letterhead was designed and created by Doug Watson. The Board expressed its gratitude to Doug for his design. Motion made (Wilhite/Williams) to approve presented letterhead. Motion carried unanimously.

New welcome sign design by Doug Watson presented. Trustee Hayes will repair the sign and Susan Barlow will repaint the existing welcome signs.

Trick or Treating hours have been set for Sunday, Oct. 25, from 2-4 p.m.

Pending projects were reviewed.

Motion made (Wilhite/Williams) to adjourn meeting at 7:45 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.