Village of Scandinavia Board June 14 agenda

The Village of Scandinavia Board will meet on Tuesday, June 14, at 5 p.m. in the Scandinavia Municipal Center.


Approval of agenda

Approval of May minutes

Informal public comment time

Cameron Durrant – Sheriff candidate

Dave Jueds – lease ballfield for high school baseball

Parking Lanes – Mill Street survey

Sentral Park update

Village lot #28 15 44 8 (Wemmer property)

Municipal Center: Public parking sign

Ordinance violations: Unlicensed/inoperable vehicles at 315 Pleasant Street and 215 N. Main Street; Junk at 315 Pleasant Street and 215 N. Main Street

Streets: Chip sealing (Academy Dr. and Lake St.)

Parks: New playground equipment

Sewer/Lagoon: Windmill repair, Weir casing replacement, Test wells surveyed, Manhole repairs, CMAR Resolution

Booster Club update

Mailboxes on Pleasant Street

Formation of committees

Meeting compensation

Yard waste site maintenance

Approval of bills

Verify cash fund balances

Board task management spreadsheet

ECWRPC (East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission) Resolution #22-03 Amending the Articles of Organization and By-Laws

Mowing: Oak Street lots, parks and residential

Emergency equipment agreement

Year-to-date financials

Delinquent dog licenses

Grant alcoholic beverage license applications

Grant cigarette license application

Grant operator license applications

Projects pending

Announcements/discussion items
