Village of Scandinavia Board Jan. 14 minutes

Scandinavia Municipal Center

The monthly meeting of the Village of Scandinavia Board was held on Jan. 14 in the meeting room of the Municipal Center.

President Dave Mork called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. Members present: Dave Mork, Mike Hayes, Chris Williams, Kelton Wilhite, Bob Fredy, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Judy Watson, and Clerk Renee Smith. Also present: Fire Chief Bryan Fuhs.

President Mork asked for approval of the agenda; motion made (Wilhite/Fredy). Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made (Wilhite/Williams) to approve the Board’s December meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Fire Chief Bryan Fuhs presented the Fire Department annual report, including 2019 meetings attended and runs made. Motion made (Hayes/Wilhite) that the report be approved as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Ordinance violations discussed

Junk/inoperable vehicles: 680 Oak Street – Sheriff’s Department determined that all the vehicles in the driveway were legally registered. Because the vehicles are registered there is nothing further they can do. The Sheriff’s Department has no way of knowing whether the vehicles are operable or inoperable. One of the vehicles located at this address is believed to be owned by Bonnie’s Bloomers. Clerk Smith will send letter to owner asking that this vehicle be removed, or it will be towed at the owner’s expense.

405 Pleasant/195 Center Street has one inoperable/unlicensed vehicle left in his driveway. President Mork spoke with resident who assured him the last vehicle would be removed shortly.

Municipal Center items discussed

Parking lot repairs have been put on hold until summer 2020. Trustee Hayes will reach out to American Asphalt in the spring for an estimate to repair parking lot and pave alley right-of-way.

Paving alley right-of-way discussed. Will discuss further once estimates are received.

Street items discussed: − LRIP application has been submitted. Clerk Smith will check to see if there were any funds awarded to the Village. − Depot Street stone wall is beginning to lose its stones. President Mork will take care of the repairs in the Spring.

Sewer items discussed: − Sewer manhole inspections will be done by the City of Waupaca’s Street Department when time and weather permit.

FEMA storm damage

Clerk Smith is now working with Patricia Lieb from FEMA regarding the July 20, 2019, storm damage. Former FEMA representative, Olaf Hansen, returned to “God’s waiting room – aka Florida” for a scheduled knee replacement. Robert Acker and two other gentlemen from FEMA completed the debris site visit on Jan. 13. Clerk Smith escorted the gentlemen to each location where debris remains. They measured each pile and took GPS coordinates. Clerk Smith was informed that FEMA does not cover debris that is not in the Village right-of-way or is in rights-of-way that were not maintained. When the debris was removed from West Street it was pushed off to the east side of the street onto private property. Pushing debris onto private property, not taking storm damage pictures, or recording all who worked to help clean up are disadvantages to receiving FEMA funds. Because the Village of Scandinavia has never been in a FEMA declared disaster, we did many things incorrectly. Clerk Smith continues to submit claim paperwork as requests are received. Swenson Tree Service hopes to begin debris removal within the next month.

Booster Club update given by Renee Smith. Committees are working on upcoming fundraisers and planning the 52nd annual Scandinavia Corn Roast. The Board met on Jan. 13 to discuss meal tickets and who should get them, securing volunteers for setup and takedown, committee budget requests, new information booth/financial office and the purchase of a money counter for the financial office.

Review of Ar-Mar covenants discussion tabled until February Board meeting.

Property/street addresses for the Municipal Center and storage garage discussed. There are many leftover numbers in the storage garage that can be used for the addresses. Clerk Smith will call John Charleston to see if he is available to install the numbers on the Municipal Center and the storage garage.

The 2019 budget summary was given by Treasurer Judy Watson. Fire Department and snow removal budgets exceeded their allocation and are slightly over budget. Bills for the month were reviewed. Motion made (Hayes/Williams) to approve claims as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Cash fund account balances were verified by Trustee Fredy.

Insurance renewal received from MPIC reviewed. Motion made (Fredy/Williams) to renew Liability and Workers Comp policy. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made (Williams/Fredy) that Resolution #20-01, Designating Public Depository, be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. Motion made (Hayes/Wilhite) to move Certificate of Deposit coming due from Bank First to Community First Credit Union. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made (Hayes/Wilhite) to appoint Fire Chief Bryan Fuhs, Town Chairman Gary Marx and Library Director Susan Vater Olsen as authorized representatives for the Village of Scandinavia for verification of employment forms. Motion carried unanimously.

The Village of Scandinavia did not have completed I-9 forms for all Village employees. Clerk Smith and Treasurer Judy Watson will reach out to employees without an I-9 on file. Pending projects were reviewed.

Motion made (Hayes/Wilhite) to adjourn meeting at 6:05 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.