Village of Scandinavia Board Jan. 12 agenda

Scandinavia Municipal Center

The regular monthly meeting of the Scandinavia Village Board will be held on Tuesday, Jan, 12, at 5 p.m. in the Scandinavia Municipal Center.

If necessary, meeting will be temporarily adjourned to hold the following: 6 p.m. Village Caucus; 6:15 p.m. quarterly Silver Lake Rehabilitation District meeting.


Approval of agenda

Approval of December minutes

Informal public comment time

Highway B bridge project

Atty. David Forsythe: Pete Van Dyke, 330 North Main Street

Municipal Center: New service doors, Automatic door openers/closures, Door stop(s)

Ordinance violations: Unlicensed/inoperable vehicles, Junk

Sewer: Update on DNR inspection, burrowing animals, weed control, signs, check the calibration and setup of the influent and effluent meters

Booster Club update

Waupaca County Building Inspector services

Oak Street lots

Approval of bills

Verify cash fund balances

2020 budget summary

Fire Department payroll & 2020 calls made

Depository Resolution

Liability & Workman’s Comp renewal

Review Ordinance 6-1-22: Limitation on Number of Dogs

Waupaca Chain Skiers: Use of Silver Lake for practice and/or possible shows

Projects pending

Announcements/discussion items


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