Village of Scandinavia Board Feb. 11 meeting minutes

The monthly meeting of the Village of Scandinavia Board was held on Feb. 11 in the meeting room of the Scandinavia Municipal Center.

President Dave Mork called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. Members present: Dave Mork, Chris Williams, Kelton Wilhite, Bob Fredy, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Judy Watson, and Clerk Renee Smith. Also present: Lisa Shirek. Member absent: Mike Hayes.

President Mork asked for approval of the agenda; motion made (Wilhite/Williams). Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made (Wilhite/Fredy) to approve the Board’s January meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Lisa Shirek was present to discuss the recent school board approval of a new track at the Iola-Scandinavia Athletic Field in Scandinavia. Lisa is on the fundraising committee for the track project. Start date for project has not yet been set.

Shirek also inquired if it would be okay to seek and write grant applications on behalf of the Village for beautification, parks, special projects, etc. The Board requested she inform them of the grant applications and their purpose before applying.

Ordinance violations

Junk/inoperable vehicles: 680 Oak Street – Clerk Smith sent a letter to owner of the Bonnie’s Bloomers truck parked at this residence. Owner of residence spoke with President Mork and will remove the truck in the spring once the snow is gone. 405 Pleasant/195 Center Street, the owner has removed all inoperable vehicles from this property. 

Municipal Center items

Parking lot repairs have been put on hold until summer 2020. Trustee Hayes will reach out to American Asphalt in the spring for an estimate to repair parking lot and pave alley right-of-way. Paving alley right-of-way discussed. Will discuss further once estimates are received. 

Street items

LRIP application has been submitted. No funds were allocated to the Village of Scandinavia. Depot Street stone wall is beginning to lose its stones. President Mork will take care of the repairs in the Spring.

Other items

Sewer manhole inspections will be done by the City of Waupaca’s Street Department when time and weather permit. 

FEMA reimbursement request is moving forward. Awaiting the final submission of all paperwork. Once that is done, we should have an idea of the final damage award.

Booster Club update given by Renee Smith. Committees are working on their budgets for submission to the Board for this year’s Corn Roast.  The five-year planning committee will be meeting within the next couple of weeks to discuss the new Information Building and other planning ideas.  

Review of Ar-Mar covenants discussed. Decision was made to send Oak Street property owners a letter in March 2020 asking for their feedback on whether to keep the covenants in place or allow them to expire.

The 2019 Year-End General and Sewer Fund financial statements were reviewed. Motion made (Fredy/Wilhite) to approve 2019 financial statements as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Bills for the month were reviewed. Motion made (Williams/Wilhite) to approve claims as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Cash fund account balances were verified by Trustee Fredy.

Waupaca County Highway Department requested we do something different instead of the “sandbox” for the storage of sand/salt mixture. For them to refill the sandbox they need to send two people and shovel the sand into the box versus being able to dump directly into the sandbox from their truck. Will discuss further in the spring.

Non-profit financial report was reviewed for FOSH. Scandinavia Booster Club will have an up to date report ready for the March Board meeting. Have not yet received the Vikings Ball Club annual report.

Highway 49 project discussed. The project has been moved to 2022 and will begin at the Tomorrow River Trail bridge and end at the corner of Highway 49 and Highway 161 in Iola. Highway 49 will remain open throughout the entire project. Areas of Highway 49 (outside Village limits) will be widened to make it uniform. Currently, some sections of the highway are narrower than other sections. 

Waupaca County Highway Department will perform State required biennial inspection of Mill Street bridge. 

Firearms ordinance was revised to reflect State Statute 29.038 that allows bow and crossbow hunting within a municipality’s limits. Motion made (Wilhite/Williams) to approve Resolution #20-02 adopting revisions. Motion carried unanimously. 

By consensus, the Board supports removing the alcohol restriction from the Municipal Center rental rules. Formal policy change is contingent on the approval of the Town Board.

Pending projects were reviewed. 

Motion made (Wilhite/Williams) to adjourn meeting at 6:20 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.