Village of Scandinavia Board Dec. 14 minutes

Downtown Scandinavia
Scandinavia Municipal Center

The Village of Scandinavia Board met on Dec. 14, 2021, in the Scandinavia Municipal Center.

President David Mork called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. Members present: Dave Mork, Mike Hayes, Chris Williams, Becky Morgan, Bob Fredy, Judy Watson – Treasurer, and Renee Smith – Clerk. Also present: Jim Nygaard.

President Mork asked for approval of the agenda; motion made (Hayes/Fredy). Motion carried unanimously.

Motion made (Fredy/Williams) to approve the Board’s November meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board discussed the asking price per acre for Village owned parcel #28 15 41 8. The Village has two interested parties in this 6.6-acre parcel. Greg Jacobsen is seeking to purchase 2.2 acres; and Tom and Rebecca Newby are seeking to purchase the remaining 4.4 acres. The Board approved an asking price of $7,500 per acre. Trustee Hayes will notify Greg Jacobsen and Clerk Smith will notify the Newby’s of the asking price. This parcel will need to be surveyed once offers are accepted.

Municipal Center: Nothing new to report.

Ordinance violations: Nothing new to report.


New playground equipment discussed. Fundraising will be needed to raise more funds for new playground equipment.

Replacing basketball court discussed. Will look into this when the Highway 49 project gets closer this summer. We may be able to get a better price if we do it when the crews and equipment are here.


Green Bay Pipe and TV have completed the critical repairs found during the televising of the sewer pipes. Remaining repairs will be done in the spring.

Green Bay Pipe & TV does not believe they can repair the effluent weir. Clerk Smith will schedule the repair with B & M Technical Services as soon as possible in the spring.

Brian Boutwell gave an estimate of $500 to purchase a trash pump. He suggested we wait until spring to purchase.

Sewer backup (870 County Road G) – as of today’s meeting no documentation has been received. Clerk Smith left a message for resident approximately eight weeks ago and has never heard back nor received any of the requested documentation.

Discharge permit renewal –Roy Van Gheem from the WDNR has informed the Village they will need to have the test wells at the lagoon surveyed for exact vertical and horizontal location. The information presented to Mr. Van Gheem did not provide the measurements needed. Trustee Fredy will call surveyor.

Windmill repair: President Mork will call Chris Cutts to see where he is in repairing the windmill. The windmill was to be repaired by the start of winter.

310 North Main Street sewer fee discussed. Sewer billing will commence Jan. 1, 2022, at the commercial rate of $34 per month, billed quarterly.


LRIP – Academy Drive and Lake Street. Unfortunately, the Village of Scandinavia was not awarded any LRIP funds for road repairs.

Other Business

Booster Club update: Nothing new to report.

Humane Society Contract – new contract for the period of Jan. 1, 2022, through April 30, 2024, was reviewed. Motion made (Williams/Morgan) to approve the contract as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Clerk Smith will send signed contract to Monica Gardner, Waupaca County Humane Society.

Bills for the month were reviewed. Motion made (Hayes/Williams) to approve claims as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Cash fund account balances were verified by Trustee Fredy.

The task management spreadsheet was reviewed and updated.

No amendment needed on the 2021 budget.

Maturing Certificates of Deposit were reviewed. The Village has two (2) maturing CDs in December. One for approximately $54,000 from the General Fund and one for approximately $112,000 from the Sewer Fund. The Board decided to cash in the General fund CD and deposit these funds in the General Fund money market account to be used toward anticipated 2022 street improvement projects. Board decision on the Sewer Fund CD was to reinvest $50,000 in a 16-month CD and deposit the remaining funds in the Sewer Fund checking account to cover costs due on the relocation of the sewer main required for the 2022 construction of a new bridge on County Highway B.

Sewer Rate Increase Resolution No. 21-05 was reviewed. Motion made (Hayes/Morgan) to approve the resolution. Motion carried unanimously.

President Mork recommended Charmaine Hawke, Linda Johnson, Mary Mork, Becky Morgan, Chris Williams, Kris Mork, Judy Watson, and Renee Smith to serve on the Election Board for the 2022-23 term. Motion made (Hayes/Mork) these appointments be approved. Motion carried 3-0; Williams and Morgan abstained.

Caucus date set for Jan. 11, 2022, at 6 p.m.

Pending projects were reviewed.

Motion made (Hayes/Williams) to adjourn meeting at 6:12 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.