Village of Scandinavia Board April 12 meeting agenda

The Village of Scandinavia Board will meet on Tuesday, April 12, at 5 p.m. in the Scandinavia Municipal Center.


Approval of agenda

Approval of March minutes

Informal public comment time

Recognition of Judy Watson’s 50th Anniversary with the Village

Village lot #28 15 41 8 – Greg Jacobsen

Municipal Center

Ordinance violations: Unlicensed/inoperable vehicles 315 Pleasant Street; Junk 315 Pleasant Street Streets: – Chip sealing

Parks: – Renaming Center Park to Central Park; State approved sign posted on Highway 49 (Main Street) designating route to Center Park

Sewer: Windmill repair

Lagoon: Leaking weir update and conversation with Roy Van Gheem from WDNR; Test wells surveyed

Booster Club update: Pavilion naming at Memorial Park

Approval of bills

Verify cash fund balances

Board task management spreadsheet

ARPA funds review

Mailboxes on Pleasant Street

6-Month Beer and Operator Licenses: Scandinavia Vikings Baseball Club

Parking Lanes

Delinquent dog licenses

Bridge inspection

Projects pending

Announcements/discussion items


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