Garbage cans, benches, and the River Walk were the main topics of discussion at the Nov. 27 meeting of the Village of Iola Revitalization Committee meeting.
Present at the meeting were Chairperson Shannon Dane, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Missy Fenn, Mark McCoy, Holly Neumann, Heather Hoyord, Greg Loescher, Joe Opperman.
Garbage cans
Shannon started the discussion off by stating we have a $25,000 budget. She suggested looking at replacing garbage cans on Main Street and new benches placed by businesses. Look into having more paths for walking. She then asked what members felt would be a few good initial projects to start with.
Members felt, the following were good projects to start with:
Replace Garbage Cans on Main Street and side streets leading to Main Street.
Benches placed along Main Street and locations on roads leading to Main Street. Joe shared that the Car Show is looking at 50 new benches, with a car theme design. Car Show is working with the Waupaca Foundry to manufacture. Joe will be presenting more details at next meeting. He said he would also investigate replacements for garbage cans/recycling receptacles.
River Walk
Discussion of the River Walk and how rundown it is becoming and ways to improve and make it safer. Greg Loescher had suggested rerouting from the second bridge (across from the corner of Mill and Pine) to loop around the Historical Society. Totally closing off that last section that comes out at Townline Road. Laura overheard and said we must be careful as grant money was used to build the River Walk. We would need to do some checking before making major changes. Greg will talk with Clifford Mishler before the next meeting as to repairs in process and if Lions can help with repairs on areas that are uneven. The boards are specially made and must be specially ordered. Glenn Tetzlaff has been replacing boards as funds are available and boards can be produced.
Other ideas/suggestions/comments
Form a “Friends of the River Walk”. Once a month, a group gets together to maintain and keep the riverwalk tidy, etc.
Dock down at Taylor Park, clean up that area and extend dock out for fishing. Bring the beach and swimming back.
Identify empty buildings and promote, encourage new businesses to come to area.
Produce ideas to draw in young families.
Work more with Scandinavia on doing joint events.
It was stated that some new businesses that look at moving into the Village, feel that the Village is unfriendly.
Chris Nelson, superintendent of Iola Scandinavia School District, would like to be a part of the Revitalization Committee and wants to get school more involved with activities.
Theme needs to encompass all of Iola: Beautiful location, T-Birds (Orange and Black), Car Show, Norwegian Heritage, Silent Sports.