Village of Iola Feb. 8 minutes

Iola Community Center sign

The Village of Iola Board of Trustees met on Monday, Feb. 8, at the Iola Community Center.

The meeting was called to order by President Joel Edler at 6 p.m. Edler led the Pledge of Allegiance and was followed by a moment of silence.

Roll call was taken by Clerk Betty Aanstad. Board members present: President Joel Edler, Jim Rasmussen, Dave Harper, Pamela Parks; Virtual: Kathy Briquelet, Missy Fenn; Others Present: Clerk Betty Aanstad, Curt Fields, Virtual: Bruce Meagher, Greg Loescher, Holly Neumann, John Bertelson, Glenn Tetzlaff, Acting Chief Paul Zierler. Excused Absence: Terry Murphy.

A motion was made by Jim Rasmussen to approve the Agenda for the Feb. 8th board meeting, motion seconded by Dave Harper. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dave Harper to adopt the minutes from the Regular Jan. 11 Board meeting, Jan. 11 Caucus, and Jan. 19 Personal Committee Meeting. Missy Fenn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Bruce updated the Board regarding the Nursing Home Bankruptcy; an extension had been filed due to COVID restrictions.

Protection of Persons and Property Committee: Police Report – a motion was made by Jim Rasmussen to approve the Police Report. Seconded by Kathy Briquelet. Motion carried.

Public Property and Streets: Glenn reported that the Village of Iola has received a $9,000 grant from Waupaca County for street projects. The Village is planning to use the grant on Grove Street for reconstruction, between Iola Street and West Ellefson Street. The Village will be posting bids for the job in the Waupaca County Post. The project must be completed by June 30.

Library: Jim reported that the Library Board had their latest meeting at the end of January. A motion was made at the meeting to make their next payment for the Library addition loan in the amount of $32,000. They will have enough money to make this payment, however, they will need to start fund raising for future payments.

Finance – Bills: Jim Rasmussen reviewed the bills, Kathy Briquelet and Dave Harper will review the bills on Wednesday morning. Dave made a motion at that time to pay them after their review. Jim seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Paul Zierler addressed the board regarding the Spellman Computer program (IBR), the quote they received is for $6,700. Monthly installments would be cheaper. The Police Department depleted all extra funds for 2021 with the purchase of tasers. Dave made a motion for the Police Department to spend the money on the IBR computer program. Kathy Briquelet seconded the motion. Motion carried.

A motion was entertained by President Edler to adjourn the meeting. Jim Rasmussen made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Dave Harper seconded the motion. Motion carried. Edler adjourned the meeting at 6:26 p.m.