Village of Iola Dog Park Committee June 9 minutes

The Village of Iola Dog Park Committee met on Thursday, June 9, at the Iola Community Center.

Members present: R. Meyers (chair), M. Fenn, P. Parks; Others Present: Janine Beauchaine,

and Erika Flowers.

Upcoming Brat Fry Fund Raiser

Iola Sentry Grocery Store this Saturday, June 11, from 10 – 3 p.m.

-Brats and hamburgers –Sentry will provide for selling, along with buns;


-Kathy-providing pies-large and small fruit pies, and cookies (all bagged)

-Natalie-providing cookies, bars, and muffins (all bagged)

-Pamela-snicker doodle cookies (all bagged)

-Hoping to get girl scouts to help with bake sell

-Looking for others to help with selling of brats and hamburgers

-Rick will provide tables for baked goods

-Dog Raffle Tickets will also be sold at the Brat Fry

-Three Brat Fry signs will be put up to help advertise the fundraiser and sell.

Rick will speak with Jennifer about selling dog park raffle tickets at the “Pie in the Park” (Iola Veteran Park) on the same day, June 11.

Janine asked how much has been raised so far for the Dog Park. Rick stated that so far there is $9,000 collected.

Janine asked if more tickets need to be sold. Rick stated that we are hoping to sell more at the Sentry Brat Fry this Saturday. Also, more raffles tickets are still out and have not come back in yet.

Rick would like to see more tickets sold. We have basically three more weeks before July 1  to sell tickets. Rick is planning to focus on selling tickets outside of Sentry the last week in June.

Also, for any future raffles, perhaps selling tickets at $10 rather than $20 would make it easier to sell with the price of gas and everything else going up.

Committee was in agreement to consider selling future raffle tickets at a lower cost.

Dog Park Concerns

Rick notified the committee that a couple in the Village had a concern about removing the trees because of the Blue Herons there. However, Rick contacted the DNR and they indicated that Blue Herons are migratory and are not subject to use the same nesting grounds. So, the DNR did not have any problems with removing trees, but did suggest waiting until after they are gone.

Rick stated that tree removal should start within the next two to three weeks from now.

Janine asked if all the wood was spoken for already. And Rick indicated that the few oak trees left will be taken by a couple in Amherst. Also, there is a donation that just came in for providing the sand and gravel for the parking space established for the Dog Park area.

Janine asked if there would be a list of donors published. Rick indicated that the paper had published this once, I believe in April, but Janine had not seen it.

Rick and others on the committee mentioned benches being donated in “memory of” love ones pets. Rick suggested that it would be nice to find a donor or someone who made benches.

Rick mentioned the need keep selling raffle tickets. More donations are still coming in, more raffle tickets have not come in yet, and would hope to expect more money from other fund raising that is needed. Perhaps we could see if other businesses would help sell raffle tickets.

Donor “Bones” considerations”

Janine would like the committee to consider “tile bones” versus “metal bones” for list donors who contribute if not real expensive. Waupaca Dog Park has metal ones, but can hardly read the names of donors.

Rick would like to see ongoing up dated list of those who donated add. Everyone on the committee is open to other ideas of how to do this.

Meeting adjourned by Rick and second by Missy at 5:35 p.m.