Village of Iola Board of Trustees July 13 meeting agenda

Iola Community Center sign

The Village of Iola Board of Trustees will meet on Monday, July 13, at 6 p.m. at the Iola Community Center and via GoToMeeting.

This meeting and all other meetings of the Village Board are open to the public. Proper notice has been posted in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes so the citizenry may be aware of the time, place and agenda of this meeting The Village Board asks that all participants of this meeting silence their cell phones until after the meeting had adjourned. The meeting will also be held online at GoToMeetings. Information for attending online is below. If you wish to attend in person, please contact the village clerk’s office at 715-445-2913 for guidelines on attend in person or if you need special accommodations.


1) Call to Order and open Meeting Statement by President Joel Edler

2) Roll call and the pledge of allegiance

3) Approval of Agenda

4) Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting

5) Protection of Persons and Property Committee: a) Police Report

6) New Business: a) Review copier lease from MBM/Xerox for approval; b) Review McClone Village Insurance for 2020-21; c) Voting machine replacements, ICE/ ICX; d) Auditor: Kerber Rose proposal & Clifton Gunderson; e) 2020-21 Insurance review and approval

7) Old Business: a) Review Jenson Drive roadway, (village owns Jenson Drive up to the roadway entrance to the activity Center, Car Show owns from the roadway entrance to activity center to County Hwy J; b) Pop Warner football program at the park

8) Committee reports: a) Personnel; b) Public Property and Streets; c) Parks; d) Sewer and Water; e) Library; f) Finance; i) Bills

9) Correspondence and communications

10) Public presentation to, or discuss with the Board

11) Any other business that may legally come before the Board

12) Adjournment

If special accommodations are necessary for your attendance at this meeting, please contact the Village of Iola, Clerk’s Office at 715-445-2913 prior to the meeting to make arrangements, if you wish to attend in person.

GoToMeeting Info

July 2020 Board Meeting & Fri, Jul 10, 2020 5:45 PM – 7:45 PM (CDT)

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