Village of Iola Board Oct. 10 meeting minutes

Village of Iola 2022 budget approved at Nov. 8 meeting

The Village of Iola Board met on Monday, Oct. 11, in the Iola Community Center Senior Room.

The meeting was called to order by President Schustek at 6 p.m. at the Village of Iola Community Center in the Senior Room.

President Schustek led the Pledge of Allegiance and was followed by a moment of silence.

Roll call was taken. Members present: President Jennifer Schustek; Trustees Missy Fenn, Dave Harper, Rick Meyers, Terry Murphy, Pamela Parks, and Jim Rasmusen. Others present: Clerk Betty Aanstad, Chief Paul Zierler, Holly Neuman. Absent: Village Attorney Bruce Meagher.

Trustee Murphy made a motion to approve the minutes from the Monday, Sept. 13, Board Meeting. Trustee Fenn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Trustee Rasmussen made a motion to approve an operator’s license for Brooke Sperberg, JD’s Corner Bar, pending a police background check. Trustee Harper seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Trustee Rasmussen made a motion to dispense with “Consideration of Amending Resolution 2019-01, Section 4 (4) “No ATV/UTV may be operated on any designated route between the hours of 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. daily”. Trustee Parks seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Trustee Harper made a motion to table the Review of Waupaca County Humane Society contract for Animal Control, until the December meeting, due to additional research. Trustee Meyers seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Trustee Harper made a motion to reaffirm Resolution 2020-09 “The discontinuance of a portion of Summit Street which was originally adopted at a Board meeting held on Nov. 16, 2020. The reason for the reaffirmation is that the original Resolution was not recorded with the Waupaca County Register of Deeds and needs to be recorded to provide public notice of the action. Trustee Parks seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Trustee Harper made a motion to adopt Resolution 2021-09 Waupaca County plan for breakdown for Ward Boundaries in the Village of Iola. “Board of Trustees for the Village of Iola Create Two (2) Wards, Based on the 2020 Census Numbers. WHEREAS, the Village of Iola is required to establish wards in accordance with Section 5.15 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees does hereby create two (2) ward(s), as follows: Ward One (1) – which shall be a portion of Supervisory District #7. All of that portion of the Village of Iola lying Easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of the southerly extension of S. Main St. (aka County Highway G) and the South boundary of the Village of Iola; thence North along said extension and S. Main St. to the intersection of S. Main St. and Water St.; thence Northeasterly along Water St. to the North boundary line of said village. This ward will be part of Supervisory District 7 and consists of 595 people.

Ward Two (2) – which shall be a portion of Supervisory District #7. All of that portion of the Village of Iola lying Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of the southerly extension of S Main St (aka County Highway G) and the South boundary of the Village of Iola; thence North along said extension and S. Main St. to the intersection of S. Main St. and Water St.; thence Northeasterly along Water St. to the North boundary line of said village. This ward will be part of Supervisory District 7 and consists of 654 people. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the above ward(s) boundaries are outlined and identified on the attached map Ward Plan: 9/22/2021, Village of Iola, which is incorporated and made a part hereof, and that the map is generated using WISE-LR software in order to incorporate the underlying census block numbers within each ward. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that for all voting purposes, the above wards will be combined, using one common polling place, which will be 180 South Main Street, Iola Wisconsin 54945. Trustee Parks seconded the motion. Motion Carried.

Committee Reports

Protection of Persons and Property CommitteePolice Report: Chief Zierler submitted a report for September 2021. The Iola Police Department handled 126 total calls. 911 Calls 7, Assist Other Agency (EMS)  8, Alarms 1, Animal Problem 6, Citizens/Motorist Assist 5, Controlled Substance 1, Disorderly Conduct 1, Extra Patrol 10, Family Disturbance 1, Follow up 3, Juvenile Problem 1, Lock Out 1, Mental Health 1, Motor Vehicle Crash 4, Noise 1, Property Damage 2, Sexual Assault 1, Suspicious Circumstance 5, Theft 1, Traffic Complaints 3, Traffic Hazard 2, Traffic Enforcement 60, Welfare Check 1. Trustee Harper made a motion to approve the September 2021 police report. Trustee Murphy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

PersonnelThe Personnel Committee made a recommendation to the Village Board to appoint Laura Krogwold to the position of Part Time Deputy Clerk for the Village of Iola. Starting pay would be $20 per hour with a maximum of 26 hours per week with this position. The position would also include State of Wisconsin Retirement. Starting date retroactive Oct. 1, 2021, with a performance review after six months (April 1, 2022). State of Wisconsin retirement would be retroactive January 1, 2021. This position would require Deputy Clerk Laura Krogwold to assist the library in times that they would be shorthanded. Trustee Harper made a motion to approve Laura Krogwold to the position of PT Deputy Clerk. Trustee Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Chief Zierler requested that the Village Trustees reconsider the starting wage for Part-Time Police Officers at $17 per hour effective January 1, 2022, to $18.00 an hour for the Village of Iola to stay competitive, in order to hire part time officers. Trustee Harper made a motion for the Village Trustees to amend the Part-Time Police Officer wage increase that was approved in November 2020 to take effect as of Jan. 1, 2022, from $17 per hour to $18 per hour. Trustee Murphy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Public Property and StreetsUpdate condemnation of properties in the village (legal counsel) – No update available. Nursing Home Bankruptcy Proposal – No update available

ParksTrustee Meyers updated the board on the Park Hours Sign at the Park, at this time he is waiting on quotes and approval of the Public Meeting to be held Nov. 8. He is also working on quotes for tree removal at the future location of the dog park.

Sewer and WaterNo update.

Library – Trustee Rasmussen updated the board on the cash raffle, fund raiser the library is having.

Finance – Trustee’s Harper, Rasmussen and Parks reviewed the bills and found the bills to be in order. Trustee Harper made a motion to pay the bills. Trustee Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

A recommendation was made by the Finance Committee to give all Village employees a 3 percent raise for 2022. Trustee Rasmussen made a motion to accept the recommendation from the Finance Committee for all Village Employees to receive a 3 percent raise for 2022. Trustee Harper seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Trustee Harper made a motion to approve the minutes from the Sept. 30, 2021, Finance Committee meeting. Trustee Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Correspondence and Communications – President Schustek appointed Trustee Murphy as the Village of Iola representative to the Waupaca County Economic Development group. Trustee Harper moved to ratify the decision. Trustee Rasmussen seconded. Motion carried.

Trustee Harper made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried. President Schustek adjourned the meeting at 6:34 p.m.