Village of Iola Board Nov. 8 meeting minutes

Iola Community Center

The Village of Iola Board met on Monday, Nov. 8, in the Iola Community Center’s Senior Room.

The meeting was called to order by President Schustek at 5 p.m.

Schustek led the Pledge of Allegiance and was followed by a moment of silence.

Roll call was taken. Members present: President Jennifer Schustek; Trustees Missy Fenn, Dave Harper, Rick Meyers, Terry Murphy, Pamela Parks, and Jim Rasmusen. Others present: Clerk Betty Aanstad, Police Chief Paul Zierler, Holly Neuman, Village Attorney Bruce Meagher, Greg Loescher, and Glenn Tetzlaff.

Trustee Harper made a motion to approve the minutes from the Monday Oct. 11 Board meeting. Trustee Parks seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Harper also made a motion to approve the minutes from the Monday Oct. 11 Personnel Committee meeting. Parks seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Harper made a motion to change employee payroll from 24 pay periods (1st day of month and 16th of month) to 26 pay periods, starting in 2022 (bi-weekly, first paycheck Jan. 14, 2022). Payroll will be processed on Tuesday starting Jan. 11, 2022, checks will be distributed Friday Jan. 14, 2022). Trustee Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Trustee Harper made a motion to approve raising Employee Health Insurance portion from 10 percent to 15 percent in 2022. Employees will begin paying 15 percent of their health insurance beginning Jan. 1, 2022. Trustee Meyers seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Harper made a motion to change Employee Dental & Vision Insurance from: Village paying 100 percent of employee’s portion and employee paying 100 percent of spouse and family portion to the village paying 85 percent of both. Trustee Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion Carried.

Harper introduced Resolution 2021-10: RESOLVED: that the official polling place for the Village of Iola, Wisconsin, shall be the Iola Community Center which is located at 180 South Main Street in the Village of Iola, Waupaca County, Wisconsin. This will be the polling place for both Ward 1 and Ward 2, Waupaca County Supervisory District #7 for the period from January of 2022 to December of 2023. RESOLVED: That the following persons shall be acting as inspectors at the polls: Chief Inspectors: Shannon Dane and Richard Meyers; Election Officials: Brent Frankenhoff, Barb Kobs, Sherry Neidert, Sandy Bostwick, Nancy Morris, Angie Nielsen, Jeanne O’Keefe, Liz Timdal, and Pamela Parks. Trustee Fenn seconded Resolution 2021-10. Resolution 2021-10 passed Yes 6, No 0.

Consideration of Waupaca County Humane Society for Animal Control in the Village of Iola, a decision was made to table this until the Dec. 13 meeting. Chief Zieler had some additional questions for the Humane Society regarding only taking dogs to the Humane Society or dogs and cats. Also, who would be authorized to take/leave animals at the Humane Society on behalf of the Village of Iola.

Public Property and Streets: Attorney Meagher updated the village board regarding condemnations of properties within the Village of Iola. He stated he has not heard anything from the property owners after sending letters to them as of date. Letters were sent to the following property owners regarding condemnation in the village – Christianson: Parcel 26 35 71 73; Desautels: Parcel 26 35 71113; Knuettel: Parcel: 26 02 72 9. The condemnation time has expired. Attorney Meagher was reaching out to Lashua Excavating regarding bids to have the properties taken down.

Public Works Director Glenn Tetzlaff talked about replacement of village trucks. He did research and found most municipalities are turning trucks over every three years. By doing this they are paying very little in maintaining the truck and trade in values are about what they paid for the trucks. He reached out to three different places for bids on new trucks and found Clintonville Motors to have the best bid. In researching the sale of the old trucks, he felt in putting the trucks out on MuniBid we would make enough to cover the cost of one new truck.

Public Hearing

Trustee Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn into Public Hearing at 5:30. Trustee Harper seconded the motion. President Schustek announced a 5:30 p.m.

Public Hearing: Amend – Well Operation Permits (Resolution 251-45). It was decided after a short discussion to table until the December meeting. After reviewing Resolution 251-45 it was decided a few additional items needed to be researched before amending Resolution 251-45.

Park Hours (Resolution 197-4). A discussion was had regarding changing park closure hours from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. Greg Loescher asked how this would affect the 4th of July celebration since people are still at the park after 10:30 p.m. It was decided that would be a special circumstance and would be allowed. Trustee Harper made a motion at 5:37 p.m. to adjourn from Public Hearing back to Board meeting. Trustee Parks seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Harper made a motion to introduce Resolution 2021-11. Trustee Parks seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Resolution 2021-11: WHEREAS, the Village of Iola is requesting to amend Code of Ordinance 197-4 (A) Park Hours. All Village Parks shall be closed from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Iola that Section 197-4 (A) of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 197-4 Park Hours: A. Park Hours. All Village Parks shall be closed from 10:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The hours will be posted at the entrance to the park reading: Park Hours: Closed 10:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. Park Hour change vote: Yes 6, No 0.

Other business

Greg Loescher talked on behalf of the Iola-Scandinavia Chamber of Commerce about the Annual Meeting. With 2022 being the 50th Anniversary of the Iola Old Car Show, they would like to spruce up Main Street. They are working on an adopt-a-planter program, updating the Chamber Kiosk. The Car Show had asked to have banners placed along Main Street in honor of the 50th anniversary.

Public Hearing

Trustee Harper made a motion to adjourn into Public Hearing regarding 2022 Tentative Budget. Motion seconded by Rasmussen. President Schustek announced a 5:45 p.m. Public Hearing. Trustee Harper explained how the numbers were put together regarding the 2022 budget. No questions were asked. No one had any questions regarding the 2022 budget. Harper made a motion to adjourn out of Public Hearing regarding 2022 Tentative Budget. Rasmussen seconded the motion. Schustek announced adjournment of the Public Hearing at 5:50 p.m.

Trustee Harper made a motion to approve the 2022 Tentative Budget as presented to the Village Board for the Village of Iola. Trustee Meyers seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Police Report

Protection of Persons and Property Committee Police Report: Chief Zierler submitted a report for October 2021. The Iola Police Department handled 249 total calls: 911 Misdials 13, Assist Other Agency (EMS) 18, Alarms 2, Animal Problem (1 dog bite) 1, Assault 1, Burglary 1, Business/Building Checks 2, Car versus Deer 1, Child Abuse/Neglect 1, Child Custody 1, Citizens/Motorist Assist 7, Cyber Tip (Child Porn) 1, Controlled Substance 2, Disorderly Conduct 2, Extra Patrol 19, Family Disturbance 2, Follow up 2, Fraud 2, Harassment 2, Juvenile Problem 1, Lock Out 3, Mental Health 2, Motor Vehicle Crash 4, Noise 1, Ordinance Violation 1, Paper Service 1, Property Damage 3, Suspicious Circumstance 9, Theft 3, Threating 1, Tobacco Problem 5, Traffic Control 1, Traffic Hazard 1, Traffic Enforcement 116, Trespassing 1, and Welfare Check 6. Trustee Murphy made a motion to approve the October 2021 police report. Trustee Rasmussen Murphy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Public Property and Streets: Nursing Home Bankruptcy Proposal – No update available.

Parks – Trustee Meyers updated the board on the Park Hours Sign at the Park, at this time he is waiting on quotes and approval of the Public Meeting to be held Nov. 8th. He is also working on quotes for tree removal at the future location of the dog park.

Library – Trustee Rasmussen updated the board on the cash raffle. He stated the raffle had concluded and they did not sell as many tickets as they would like to have. The library made around $1,500 profit.

Finance – Trustees Harper, Rasmussen and Parks reviewed the bills and found the bills to be in order. Trustee Harper made a motion to pay the bills. Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Closed Session

Trustee Rasmussen made a motion to go into closed session. Trustee Harper seconded the motion. President Schustek announced a Closed Session at 6:05 p.m. A motion was made by Trustee Rasmussen to adjourn the closed session and public meeting. Motion seconded by Trustee Harper. Motion carried.

President Schustek adjourned the meeting at 6:15 p.m.