Village of Iola Board meeting June 13 minutes

Iola Community Center sign

The Iola Village Board held its regular monthly meeting on Monday, June 13, at 5:30 p.m. in the Iola Community Center Senior Room.

President Schustek read the opening meeting statement and lead the Pledge of Allegiance, with a moment of silence following the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call was taken by Clerk Betty Aanstad. Present: President Jennifer Schustek; Trustees: Jim Rasmussen, Pamela Parks, Missy Fenn, Dave Harper, Rick Meyers, Mark McCoy. Others Present: Police Chief Paul Zierler, Deputy Clerk Laura Krogwold, Village Attorney Bruce Meagher, Clerk/Treasurer Betty Aanstad. Rick Ertl, Sherri Miller, Steve Steeber, Cassandra and Aaron Messier, Shannon Dane, Lyle Mork, Larry Flowers, Sandy Schuettpelz, Dean Parks.

Trustee Fenn made a motion to approve the May 11th, 2022, Dog Park Committee meeting minutes. Trustee Parks seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Trustee Harper made a motion to approve the May 23rd, 2022, Zoning Committee meeting minutes. Trustee Meyers seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Trustee Harper made a motion to approve the May 31st, 2022, Police & Personnel Committee’s minutes. Trustee Meyers seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Trustee Meyers made a motion to approve the June 8th, 2022, Special Board Meeting minutes. Trustee Fenn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Trustee Parks made a motion to approve the June 9th, 2022, Dog Park committee meeting minutes. Trustee Fenn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Trustee Rasmussen made a motion to amend ordinance 2019-01 to remove the time restriction from the ATV/UTV Ordinance. “No ATV/UTV may be operated on any designated route between the hours of 10:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. daily.” Trustee Meyers seconded the motion. Motion carried. Present: seven (7), Yes: seven (7), No: zero (0).

The Board decided to postpone the Public Hearing regarding Liquor Licenses to a later date, due to concerns regarding noise levels from bands and frequency. After discussing which Village Ordinances, would pertain to what it was decided to take a little extra time and consult further with Legal Counsel regarding village ordinances and which ordinances would pertain to the complaints and if ordinances are outdated and should be amended.

Because of the decision to table the Public Hearing regarding 2022-2023 Liquor License Renewal, the following liquor license approvals were tabled to a later date: • Consideration of Approval for Renewal of 2022-2023 Liquor & Operators License • Consideration For Temporary Class “B”/”Class B” Beer License and Temporary Operators License for Iola Scandinavia Chamber, 4th Of July Fireworks Event, Held On July 3rd, With A Rain Date Of July 4th, 2022 and Iola Old Car Show Event, held on July 6th thru 10th, 2022.

President Schustek explained the Zoning Committee met regarding a plan U.S. Cellular submitted to the Village of Iola regarding placing a cell tower within the village limits on village property. The plan submitted was to place a cell tower on the property owned by the village next to the sewer plant. The only concern was the location of the tower on the property compared to the compost pile; it was 2 suggested to ask U.S. Cellular if they would consider moving the tower over. After talking with Public Works Director Glenn Tetzlaff, and the question was raised about the compost pile, the Zoning Committee could not find any problems with putting a cell tower out by the sewer plant. Trustee Harper made a motion to approve the lease pending the request to move the tower over, so it would not interfere with the compost pile. Trustee Meyers seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Consideration of Resolution 2022-03 approval for CMAR Report regarding Water Treatment Plant tabled until Special Board Meeting, held at a later date.

Trustee Harper made a motion to approve Resolution 2202-04 Authorizing $200,000 Line of Credit. Trustee Fenn seconded the motion. Motion carried. Present: seven (7), Yes: seven (7), No: zero (0).

Trustee Harper made a motion to approve Resolution 2202-05 Authorizing $125,000 For Refinancing Village Library Expansion in The Amount Of $125,000. Trustee Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried. Present: seven (7), Yes: seven (7), No: zero (0).

Trustee Harper made a motion to approve Resolution 2202-06 Authorizing $1,092,659.86 General Obligation Refunding Bond, Series 2022A And $1,423,814.88 Sewerage System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Serie 2022B. Trustee Fenn seconded the motion. Motion carried. Present: seven (7), Yes: seven (7), No: zero (0).

Trustee Harper recommended moving the consideration for an outdoor recreation plan in the Village of Iola, to the Parks Committee.

Committee Reports

Protection of Persons and Property Committee – Police Report: Chief Zierler stated the biggest problem was regarding Grandson scam, otherwise things were quiet. Trustee Meyer made a motion to approve Chief Zierler’s report as presented. Motion seconded by Trustee Rasmussen. Motion carried.

Public Property and Streets: – Update regarding clerk’s office move and chamber: The clerk’s office was scheduled to be closed Wednesday June 22-24 to move. TDS and Eric Danielson would be in to move phones and internet. Once that was completed the remainder of the current office would be moved. Once the current office was cleared out, the wallpaper would be removed and prepped for painting or mudding if needed. Update condemnation of properties in the village (legal counsel): The Knuettel family (property located at 430 S. Main Street) had contacted Attorney Meagher and expressed the wish to fix the property up.

Parks – Update on Dog Park: Trustee Meyers commented they would start cutting trees within the next few weeks. Update on Pickle Ball Court: The asphalt had been laid for the pickleball courts, lines were marked, and someone commented they had saw people down there using the courts to play pickleball. Chet Krause Park (Dave Harper or Pamela Parks): Trustee Harper stated there was an upcoming meeting this week for the park.

Sewer and Water – Consideration of Resolution 2022-07 to Authorize Fire Protection Safety Fee: The Public Service Commission (PSC) is requiring the Village of Iola to charge a Fire Protection Safety Fee to all village property owners. There were three options the PSC offered the board to choose from. The option the board chose was to charge all village property owners a fee on a quarterly basis, by doing this it would keep the fee minimal. If a property owner currently receives a utility bill it will be a separate line item on the utility bill. If you do not receive a utility bill you will begin receiving a quarterly bill from the village for Fire Protection Safety. At this time the clerk’s office is working with the PSC regarding the final numbers to figure out a quarterly cost.

Finance – Trustees Harper, Rasmussen and Parks reviewed the bills and found the bills to be in order. Trustee Harper made a motion to pay the bills. Trustee Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Public presentation to or discuss with the Board

Rick Ertl introduced himself as the New County Supervisor for District 7. He stated that if the Village had any concerns to feel to reach out to him and he would try and attend meetings occasionally.

Aaron Messier made a presentation regarding the noise level from Thirsty Perch, when bands are present. Shannon Dane stated she had attended the music and the noise is just a normal noise level for bands. Sherri Miller talked about the noise and commented that they were aware of the one band that played the noise level was excessive and that they did ask them to turn the volume down. A number of others commented on the noise, it was decided to hold a public hearing on June 27 at 6 p.m.

Trustee Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Fenn seconded the motion. Motion carried. President Schustek adjourned the meeting at 6:38 p.m.