Village of Iola Board March 14 agenda

The Village of Iola Board will meet on Monday, March 14, at 5 p.m. in the Iola Community Center Senior Room.


1) Call to Order and Open Meeting Statement by President

2) Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance

3) Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting: Feb. 14, Board Meeting, Feb 21. Finance Committee, Feb. 24 Finance Committee, March 3 Park Committee, March 11 Finance Committee.

4) General Board Business

A. Consideration to chip seal (slag with tar): River Road end at Townline, wastewater plant (parking lot and roadway); Depot Street (starting at Oak Street, west to Townline Road (end at Townline).

B. Consideration of operator’s license for Aaron Stratton, Iola Corner Bar & Grill, Brock Gullixon, Iola Corner Bar & Grill & Brenda Marie Cieslewicz, Iola Corner Bar & Grill.

C. Consideration of approval between I-S Chamber and Village of Iola.

D. Consideration of approval for dog park raffle.

E. Consideration of appointing Larry Flower’s to the Zoning Committee.

F. Consideration of appointing Missy Fenn as Waupaca County Economic Development.

G. Update from legal counsel regarding Summit Street, between West Iola Street and Depot Street.

H. Update of appraisals for Village Properties: Old Shop, Depot Street Shop.

5) Committee reports:

A. Protection of Persons and Property Committee: Police Report, Custom Service Contract (Police Policies)

B. Personnel

C. Public Property and Streets

i. Update condemnation of properties in the village

1. Knuettel Property (430 South Main Street) – Updated from legal regarding meeting with family.

2. DeSautels Property (230 Grove Street) – update from legal regarding letter sent to Kathy


3. Village of Iola (Christianson Property 119 South Main Street) – Update from village president

as to village plans for that property.

ii. Update on consideration of bids for village wide garbage pickup. (As of March 11th, 2022; we have 150 interested). Would like to get at least 200 containers before we contact the companies). (March 14: No action will be taken until May 1, working on more responses from Village Residence).

iii. Update on Nursing Home Bankruptcy (legal counsel)

iv. Chip sealing of Water Street from STH 49 to where the road narrows between North Chet Krause Drive and Jackson Street. Work provided by the Waupaca County.

v. Consideration of lawnmower purchase for 2022.

vi. Consideration of assisting Iola Old Car Show with putting up 50th Anniversary streetlight banners prior to Car Show.

D. Parks: Update on Dog Park, Update on Pickleball Court, Update on Chet Krause Park (Pamela)

E. Sewer and Water

F. Library

G. ARPA Committee

H. Recycling

I. Fire/Ambulance

J. Zoning/Variance

K. Finance: Bills, Update Refinancing Village Debt

6) Correspondence and communications

7) Public presentation to, or discuss with the Board

8) Any other business that may legally come before the Board

9) Closed Session (If needed)

(Adjourn into closed session under Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1)(e) deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. Following completion of the closed session the regular meeting adjourns.)

10) Adjournment