Village of Iola Board Jan. 10 agenda

The Village of Iola Board will meet at 5 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 10, in the Iola Community Center’s Senior Room.


Call to Order and Open Meeting Statement by President

Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting,

General Board Business

Ehler’s Financial Presentation to the Village of Iola for Consideration of

Refinancing Village Debt

Consideration of approval of Operator’s License: Cynthia A Berry, Sentry Foods, Lori Miller, Mark McCoy’s Flat Tracker Tap

Consideration of appointment to ARPA Committee: Pamela Parks, Jennifer Schustek, Missy Fenn, Dave Harper, Glenn Tetzlaff

Update on consideration of bids for village wide garbage pickup.

Committee reports

Protection of Persons and Property Committee: Police Report


Public Property and Streets: Update condemnation of properties in the village (legal counsel) –

1. Who is going to have to pay for removal of properties not owned by the village?

2. If the property owners deed the property to the village because they do not want to pay the expense of removal. Can the village put the properties out for bid as is, with a contingency the person purchasing has 18 months to renovate the property?

Update on Nursing Home Bankruptcy (legal counsel)

Parks: Update on Dog Park

Sewer and Water


Finance: Bills

Correspondence and communications

Public presentation to, or discuss with the Board

Any other business that may legally come before the Board

Closed Session (If needed)

Adjourn into closed session under Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1)(e) deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. Following completion of the closed session the regular meeting adjourns.
