Village of Iola Board Dec. 14 minutes

Iola Community Center sign

The Village of Iola Board met on Monday, Dec. 14, in the Iola Community Center’s Senior Room.

The meeting was called to order by President Joel Edler at 6 p.m.

Roll call was done by clerk Betty Aanstad: Present: Joel Edler, Jim Rasmussen, Dave Harper, Terry Murphy; Virtual: Kathy Briquelet, Pamela Parks, Missy Fenn; Others Present: Clerk Betty Aanstad, Acting Chief Zierler, Virtual: Glenn Tetzlaff, Bruce Meagher.

Dave Harper made a motion to defer the November minutes until the next meeting. Jim seconded. Motion carried.

The Village of Iola dam is required to be inspected by the DNR in 2021. Glenn has reached out to Bercher-Hoppe Associates, they submitted a quote in the amount of $2,150 for the inspection. Davey gave an estimate of around $10,000. Joel entertained a motion to accept the bid from Bercher-Hoppe Associates. Jim Rasmussen made the motion to accept the bid. Kathy Briquelet seconded. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Pamela Parks that the Village provide Chamber Bucks to village employees in

recognition of the Holidays. It was decided to give seven-full time employees $40 each in Chamber Bucks and four part-time employees $20 each. Jim Rasmussen seconded. Motion carried.

Village Attorney Bruce Meagher provided an update on the Iola Living Assistance bankruptcy Court. Approval was given for the hearings to be attended virtual! Bruce will be filing the paperwork on behalf of the Village.

Car Show Grounds roadway approval: Car show would like to rename the roadways and add them to the

County and State GIS map. The labeling system the car show wishes to use does not follow the rules according to GIS labeling. The Village would make the final decision regarding the naming and numbering. Bruce requested that it be tabled until the next meeting and he would be talking with the County and do some more investigating. Jim Rasmussen made a motion to table this until the January meeting. Terry Murphy seconded it. Motion carried.

Police Report: Acting Chief Zierler reported 36 total calls, up from 30 calls last month. It was questioned regarding the number of vehicles that are located at a residence in the Village, and if the vehicles are registered. Attorney Meagher was going to check into the situation.

Public Property and Streets: Glenn Tetzlaff provided an update on the sewer lining. Grove Street repairs were completed by Robert Immel Company. Visu-Sewer was in and has started the lining of the sewer lines on Grove Street.

Finance, bills: Dave Harper made a motion to approve the bills as soon as Kathy Briquelet has had a chance to review the bills on Wednesday. Seconded by Jim Rasmussen. Motion carried.

A motion was entertained by President Edler to adjourn the meeting. Dave Harper made the motion and Jim Rasmussen seconded the motion to adjourn. Motion carried. President Edler adjourned the meeting.