Village of Iola Board April 11 minutes

Iola Community Center sign

The Village of Iola Board met on Monday, April 11, in the Iola Community Center’s Senior Room at 5 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by President Jennifer Schustek at the Village of Iola, Community Center Senior Room. Open meeting statements were made by President Schustek “This meeting and all other meetings of the Iola Village Board are open to the public. Proper notice has been posted in accordance with Wisconsin Statues so the citizenry may be aware of the time, place, and agenda of this meeting.”

President Schustek led the Pledge of Allegiance and was followed by a moment of silence. Roll call was taken by Clerk Aanstad. Members present: President Jennifer Schustek, Trustees Missy Fenn, Dave Harper, Rick Meyers, Pamela Parks, Mark McCoy, and Jim Rasmusen. Others present: Clerk Betty Aanstad, Larry Flowers, John Bertelson, Holly Neuman, Steve Steiber, and Sherri Miller. Excused absence: Village Attorney Bruce Meagher.

Trustee Harper made a motion to approve the March 14 Board Minutes. Trustee Meyers seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Trustee Harper made a motion to approve the March 16 finance committee minutes. Trustee Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The March 24 dog park meeting was cancelled.

Trustee Fenn made a motion to approve the April 7th Dog Park Committee meeting minutes. Trustee Parks seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Consideration of BG & Associates, LLC taking over the Village of Iola Community Development Building Grant – RLF Housing Rehabilitation Program. MSA who is the current director for the program in the Village of Iola, contacted the Village in March of 2022. They stated they would no longer be able to manage our program due to the work load they are carrying. Juneau County who manages the Program for the Northeast portion of the State of Wisconsin recommended BG & Associates. After checking out all their references and talking with BG & Associates it was decided to move forward with them. Trustee Meyers made a motion to approve BG & Associates as the new Program Director for the Village of Iola Community Development Building Grant Program. Trustee Harper seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Trustee Rasmussen made a motion to approve the operator’s license for Tina Peterson and Michael Nowak, Iola Corner Bar & Grill. Trustee McCoy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Trustee Parks made a motion to approve naming the alley between the Library and Methodist Church (behind the Community Iola Community Center), starting at W. Iola Street to W. State Street due North to Library Lane and giving the upper level of the Municipal Building (Library) the address of 020 Library Lane. Trustee Meyers seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Attorney Meagher had sent in a written update regarding Summit Street, between West Iola Street and Depot Street. Attorney Meagher said when he went to check on the information at the County, he found there were documents that were mis-recorded and the problem was being taken care of.

Trustee Harper made a motion to move the Clerk’s Office into Old Board Room and I-S Chamber into Clerk’s Office. Motion seconded by Trustee Rasmussen, pending a yearly review of the agreement. Motion carried.

Committee Reports

Protection of Persons and Property Committee Police Report: Chief Zierler submitted a report for March 2022. The Iola Police Department handled 129 total calls. 911 Misdials – 2, Assist Other Agency (EMS) – 8, Agency Assists – 0, Alarms – 2, Animal Complaints – 3, Assault – 0, Bail Jumping – 0, Burglary – 0, Business/Building Checks – 6, Car vs Deer – 0, Child Abuse/Neglect – 0, Child Custody – 0, Citizens/Motorist Assist – 3, Cyber Tip (Child Porn) – 0, Controlled Burn – 1; Controlled Substance – 0, Death Investigation – 1, Disabled Vehicle – 3, Disorderly Conduct – 4, Domestic Disturbance – 0, Drugs – 0, Extra Patrol – 15, Family Disturbance – 0, Follow up – 6, Fraud – 0, Harassment – 1, Hit and Run – 0, Intoxicated Person – 0, Juvenile Problem – 2, Lock Out – 0, Mental Health – 0, Motor Vehicle Crash – 0, Noise – 0, Open Door – 0, Ordinance Violation – 0, Paper Service – 0, Parking Problem – 1, Property Damage – 0, Repossession – 1, Sex Offense – 0, Storm Damage – 0, Suspicious Circumstance – 4, Theft – 0, Threating – 1, Tobacco Problem – 0, Traffic Control – 5, Traffic Hazard – 0, Traffic Enforcement – 52, Trespassing – 0, TRO Violation – 1, Truancy – 1, Warrant Pick Up – 2, Welfare Check – 4. Trustee Harper made a motion to approve the March 2022 Police Report. Motion seconded by Trustee Meyers. Motion carried.

Public Property and Streets: Trustee Parks updated the board that a bid posting has been published in the Waupaca County Buyers Guide for Oak Street and Division Court. Bids closing April 21, Opening bids April 26 10 a.m. Attorney Meagher was not present at the board meeting to update the board on the latest regarding the condemnations. Attorney Meagher contacted the owner at 230 S. Grove Street, she had informed him she was fixing the property up. At this time the Village is still looking into options for village wide garbage pickup, due to the lack of response we are looking into what options we have with the amount of residents we have. The Village was notified the sale of Iola Living Oaks and Butternut Ridge has been delayed for a month.

Parks: Dog Park: Trustee Meyers stated they have found someone to remove the trees for no charge, in exchange they will take the logs. He is now looking for someone to remove the stumps. They have planned a number of fund raisers for the dog park, raffle tickets have been ordered. They have a brat fry and bake sale planned for June. Pickleball Court: Trustee Meyers has been looking into the cost of putting a concrete or asphalt slab at the park for the Pickleball courts. He has also been exploring fund raising options. Chet Krause Park: No changes since the last meeting.

Library: Trustee Rasmussen announced Lisa Bauer’s last day is going to be April 15.

Finance: Trustees Harper, Rasmussen and Parks reviewed the bills and found the bills to be in order. Trustee Harper made a motion to pay the bills. Trustee Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried. Trustee Harper stated at this time they were waiting for information from Bank First regarding refinancing village debt.

Closed Session

Trustee Meyers made a motion to adjourn the meeting into closed session. Trustee Fenn seconded the motion. Motion Carried. President Schustek adjourned the meeting into closed session at 5:37 p.m. Trustee Rasmussen made a motion to adjourn the meeting in closed session. Trustee Harper seconded the motion. Motion carried. President Schustek adjourned the meeting at 7:04 p.m.