Town of Scandinavia Board Dec. 9 minutes

Scandinavia Municipal Center

The Scandinavia Town Board met on Wednesday, Dec. 9, at the Scandinavia Municipal Center. Chairman Gary Marx called the meeting to order at 5:39 pm.

Frank Bauer made a motion to approve the agenda. Motion seconded by Gary Marx. Motion carried.

Frank Bauer made a motion to accept Clerk’s September minutes. Motion was seconded by Gary Marx. Motion carried.

Mike Mazemke provided the Treasurer’s report for November 2020. Gary Marx made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. Motion was seconded by Frank Bauer. Motion carried. 

Planning Commission Report – Tentatively planning to hold a meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021.

Road Issues – nothing to report

Old Business

Van Dyke Junk/Salvage Yard – nothing to report

Ron Gavin Junk/Salvage Yard – nothing to report

Highway 49 (Scandinavia to Iola) project scheduled for 2020 after the Iola Car Show, date has been changed to 2022 – nothing new to report.

Municipal Center – the parking lot is completed.

William Luy CSM Review – nothing to report

New Business

Frank Baurer mad a motion to set the Town Caucus for the April 6, 2021, Town Election will be on Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021, before the Town Board Meeting. Motion was seconded by Frank Bauer. Motion carried.

Building Inspector: A motion was made by Frank Bauer to rescind our existing ordinance with Bob Viste and to come under the jurisdiction of the Waupaca County Building Inspection Service effective Jan. 1, 2021. Motion was seconded by Gary Marx. Motion caried.

Frank Bauer made a motion to approve the payment of bills presented including- Village of Scandinavia (December expenses), Lashua Excavating, Inc (highway expense), USPS (PO Box renewal), Waupaca County Treasurer (election), County of Waupaca-Treasurer (tax bills), Swenson Tree Service & Logging (highway expense), Iola Ambulance Service (4th quarter assessment), Waupaca County Post (election notice), Rent-A-Flash (highway expense), and County of Waupaca-Treasurer (dog license fee). Motion was seconded by Gary Marx. Motion carried.

Correspondence from the following was reviewed- No Land Use Permit and Cutting Notices to review.

The January 2021 Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021, at the Scandinavia Municipal Center following the Town Caucus which will be held at 5:30pm.

Frank Bauer moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Gary Marx. Meeting adjourned.