Town of Iola Plan Commission May 22 agenda

The Town of Iola Plan Commission will meet on Monday, May 22, at 6 p.m. in the ton hall at 170 Depot Street, Iola.

The meeting will be to consider a Comprehensive Plan and a Zone Map amendment application.

The Department of Natural Resources (DNR), over the course of the last few years, have been working with Scott Amundson (N9397 North Lake Road) to exchange a piece of the DNR’s property (part of 09-05-44-5) that is currently used to access additional DNR land for an access easement. As part of the exchange the overall intention is for the adjacent property to combine the purchased piece of property with the rest of their land (09-05-44-6).

For the combination to happen both parcels need to be zoned the same. The subject parcel is currently zoned as Public Recreation and Forestry (PURF) and planned as Forestry. To facilitate the combination of the property the preferred land use designation in the Comprehensive Plan needs to be amended from Forestry to Agriculture and the zoning of the property needs to be amended from PURF to Agriculture and Woodland Transition (AWT).