Town of Iola Board of Review April 28

Town of Iola Hall

Board of Review for the Town of Iola will be held at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 28, at the town hall.


Call Board of Review to order.

Roll Call

Confirm Board of Review and Open Meetings notices

Select a Chairperson

Select a Vice-Chairperson

Verify that a member(s) have met the mandatory training requirement

Ordinance for the confidentiality of income and expense information provided to the assessor under state law – Ordinance was passed on March 25, 2019

New laws

Adopt a policy regarding procedure for sworn telephone testimony and sworn written testimony – Policy adopted at the 2018 Board of Review.

Adopt policy regarding the procedure for waiver of Board of Review hearing requests – Policy adopted at 2018 Board of Review

Filing and summary of Annual Assessment report by Assessor’s office

Receipt of the assessment roll by clerk from the assessor

Receive the assessment roll and sworn statements from the clerk

Review the assessment roll and perform statutory duties Examine the roll, correct description or calculation errors, add omitted property, eliminate double assessed property

Certify all corrections of error under state law

Verify with the assessor that open book changes are included in the assessment roll

Allow taxpayers to examine the assessment data

Consider the following: a. Waiver of required 48 hour notice of intent to file an objection when there is good cause; b. Request for waiver of the BOR hearing allowing the property owner an appeal directly to circuit court; c. Requests to testify by telephone or submit sworn written statement; d. Subpoena requests; e. act on any other legally allowed/required BOR items.

Review notices of Intent to File Objection

Hear Objections

Consider scheduling additional BOR dates
