The Town of Iola Board held its regular monthly meeting on Monday, June 27, in the town hall.
Chairman Sprangers called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. Board Members present were: Mark Sprangers, Bruce Faldet, Josh Franchuk, Denis Walter and Steve Madson. Also present was Josh Kampert.
Supervisor Franchuk made a motion to approve the agenda for the meeting. Supervisor Faldet seconded the motion and it carried.
Supervisor Franchuk made a motion to approve the minutes from the May regular meeting, Supervisor Faldet seconded the motion and it carried.
New Business
Storm Damage – With the recent threat of severe storms, Eric Halverson from the Waupaca County Emergency Management sent out an email to remind town officials that if you do have severe damage that may qualify for a claim that we take pictures and note the locations before starting clean up.
ATV/UTV – Josh Kampert (Chairman of the ATV/UTV Committee) was in attendance to give an update on the status of ATV/UTV use. Kampert stated that all is going really well, we have had no complaints to date.
ARPA Funds – We have received our second ARPA fund payment. We need to start to put together a plan on how we will use these funds.
Clerk Madson informed the board of a land use permit for Chris and Tracy Allred for a pole shed. Building permits for Wayne Krueger for a carport/accessory structure; Josh Franchuk for a basement stairwell, egress window and deck; Cole Allred for a pole shed; Kevin & Pamela Dahle for a single-family residence.
Audit of the town books was done by Supervisor Faldet and Supervisor Franchuk.
Supervisor Franchuk made a motion to pay the monthly bills. Supervisor Faldet seconded the motion and it carried.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.