The Town of Iola Board met on Feb. 27 at the town hall.
Supervisor Faldet called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
Board Members present were: Bruce Faldet, Josh Franchuk, Denis Walter and Steve Madson. Absent – Mark Sprangers. Also present Rick Ertl Supervisor.
Franchuk made a motion to approve the agenda for the meeting. Supervisor Faldet seconded the motion and it carried.
Supervisor Franchuk made a motion to approve the minutes from the January meeting, Supervisor Faldet seconded the motion and it carried.
Public Comments: County Supervisor Rick Ertl was in attendance. Ertl updated the board on some things that are going on at the county level.
Old Business: Supervisor Faldet informed the board that Paul Shanklin will be doing the mowing for 2023.
New Business: Snowplowing was discussed for 2023-24.
Clerk Madson informed the board of Land Use permits for Hoosier Towers and Josh Franchuk. Cutting Notices for Wall Family Trust, Tim Hahn, David Viotto, John Kunzman and Jerry Pitt.
Audit of the town books was done by Supervisor Faldet and Supervisor Franchuk.
Supervisor Franchuk made a motion to pay the monthly bills. Supervisor Faldet seconded the motion and it carried.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.