Town of Iola Board Dec. 19 meeting minutes

Town of Iola Hall

The Town of Iola Board held its regular monthly meeting on Monday, Dec. 19, at 6 p.m. in the town hall.

Chairman Mark Sprangers called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.

Board Members present were: Mark Sprangers, Bruce Faldet, Josh Franchuk, Denis Walter and Steve Madson.

Supervisor Franchuk made a motion to approve the agenda for the meeting. Supervisor Faldet seconded the motion and it carried.

Supervisor Franchuk made a motion to approve the minutes from the Budget Hearing on November 28th, Supervisor Faldet seconded the motion and it carried. Supervisor Franchuk made a motion to approve the minutes from the special meeting on Nov. 28 to set the Levy. Supervisor Faldet seconded the motion and it carried. Supervisor Franchuk made a motion to approve the minutes from the November meeting, Supervisor Faldet seconded the motion and it carried.

Public Comments: Car Show Sand Mine meeting has been rescheduled for Jan. 4, 2023. Meeting will be at the Town of Scandinavia at 5 p.m.

Old Business: Roads/Bridges – no discussion.

Audit of the town books was done by Supervisor Faldet and Supervisor Franchuk.

Supervisor Franchuk made a motion to pay the monthly bills. Supervisor Faldet seconded the motion and it carried.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned.