Town of Helvetia Board March 2 meeting minutes

Town of Helvetia Hall

The regular meeting of the Town Board was held at the Town Hall, and was called to order by Chairman Calvin Preuss at 7 p.m., on Monday, March 2. All Town board members were present. Two town residents were also in attendance.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Clerk Doug Hines and approved with a motion by Gary Chich, seco​nd​ by Jeff Oppor.

Town bills were approved and paid with a motion by Jeff Oppor, seco​​nd​ by Gary Chich.

The Financial and Treasurers reports were given and approved with a motion by Gary Chich, seco​nd by Jeff Oppor. 

New Business

There will be an Iola Fire Department meeting on March 12​​. Calvin Preuss and Jeff Oppor will attend to discuss fire truck repairs.

There have been some road signs damaged by snowplowing, damage should be repaired and paid for by the county highway department. ATV signs have been put up around the town.

Swamp Road construction was discussed. A motion was made by Gary Chich, seco​​nd​ by Jeff Oppor to grind up and gravel the next section this year. Bids will be requested.

Zoning changes applied for by Chad Bestul at N7539 Twin Grove Road, for a shop and storage units, were posted as required. The board agreed to approve the requested changes, with a motion by Gary Chich, seco​​nd​ by Jeff Oppor, passed.

A zoning application was posted for Ervin Schmucker, of N8091 Swamp Road, for pasturing horses and cattle. This was approved with a motion by Gary Chich, seco​​nd​ by Jeff Oppor.

Snowplowing for next year will be bid out.

The Assessor and lawn mower were tabled for now.

Gary Prill of the Plan Commission approved the zoning changes mentioned earlier. 

Public Input

A step ladder is needed for the Town Hall and will be on the agenda for next meeting.

The spring election will be held April 7​. Next meeting Monday, April 6, at 7 p.m. 

 A motion to adjourn was made by Gary Chich, seco​nd by Jeff Oppor.