Town of Helvetia Board Jan. 3 minutes

Town of Helvetia Hall

The regular meeting of the Town of Helvetia Board was held at the Town Hall on Monday, Jan. 3, and was called to order by Chairman, Calvin Preuss at 7 p.m.

All Town board members were present and one town resident was present.

The Board cited the Pledge of Allegiance.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Clerk Doug Hines and approved with a motion by Gary Chich, second by Jeff Oppor.

Town bills were approved and paid with a motion by Jeff Oppor, second by Gary Chich.

The Treasurers reports were given and approved with a motion by Jeff Oppor, second by Gary Chich.

New Business

Extension of the TRIP TRIS application was extended to Jan. 13 so the Board decided to submit an application.

A dogs complaint on West Hill Road was taken care of and dogs returned to owner.

New signs were put up on Carper Road and the missing stop signs were replaced.

Complaints of junky yards on the Pagel property along County Road E and Ostrowski property along Stoney Ridge Road were reviewed.

Jeff Oppor would like to review worker wages for the Town, this will be done at the budget hearing this fall.

Gary Prill, from the Plan Commission, had nothing new to report.

Next meeting is Monday, Feb. 7 at 7 p.m.

The Annual Board of Audit will follow the normal board meeting.

A motion to adjourn was made by Gary Chich, second by Jeff Oppor.