Town of Harrison May 11 Board minutes

Northland Lutheran Church

The regular monthly meeting for the Town of Harrison was held on Monday, May 11, at Northland Church.

Present at the meeting were Bob Opperman, John Phillips, Diane Trost, Mike Schultz, Ann Casamassa, Fran Moen and Jon Ann Kasson.

Chairman Dean Lashua called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 

The Clerk’s minutes from the previous meeting were read. A motion was made by Mike Schultz and second by Ann Casamassa to accept the minutes as read.  Motion carried.

The Treasurer’s report was given.  The beginning balance on April 1 was $112,750.66. The total amount of deposits for the month was $32,034.05 and the total amount of expenditures was $6,744.64 leaving a balance in the account on April 30 of $138,040.07. The beginning balance in the Money Market account was $31,889.60 and the interest collected was $6.17 leaving a balance of $31,898.77.

Old Business

A contract was presented and accepted by Dave Heise to be in charge of Animal Control for the Town of Harrison.  

New Business

Scott Construction will be working on the roads in the Township in the next couple of weeks. They will be working on Kluck, East River Hill, Fisher and Drake roads. There will also be patching done on the roads.

The Tavern League of Wisconsin has asked the board to consider lowering the license fee for the coming year for the taverns in the Township due to the loss of income during the state wide shut down due to the virus crisis. A motion was made by Ann Casamassa and second by Mike Schultz to lower the license fee from $300 to $150 for the coming year. Motion carried. 

Call and concerns received by the board during the month were discussed.

A motion was made by Mike Schultz and second by Ann Cassamassa to adjourn the meeting at 7 p.m. Motion carried.