The regular monthly meeting for the Town of Harrison was held on Monday, Feb. 10, at Northland Church.
Present at the meeting were John Phillips, Rose Troast, Jon Ann Kasson, Bob Kasson, Brandon Schuster, Art Kaminski, Mike Schultz, Dan Dowell, Ann Cassamssa and Fran Moen.
Chairman Dean Lashua called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Old Business
The board has had contact with two different people who are interested in obtaining a contract from the Town to do snow removal starting in 2020. Chairman Dean Lashua read a written proposal from Chad Bestul Excavating outlining his prices and the equipment he has on hand to take on the responsibility. Brandon Schuster presented his proposal to the Board in person.
Two people have shown interest in taking on the position of Building Inspector for the Town. Further discussion will be held with both parties before a final decision is made. At the present time Diane Neelis is seeking to have the state re-inspect her business so she can resume taking on the task of Animal Control. At the present time the position is vacant.
The Treasurer’s report was given. The beginning balance on Jan. 1 was $410,891.34. Deposits for the month totaled $366,873.75. The total of the checks and withdrawals was $395,477.65. The ending balance on Jan. 31, was $382,287.44. The beginning balance in the Money Market account was $31,853.06. Interest collected for the month was $13.53 leaving a total in the account of $31,866.59.
New Business
A motion was made by Ann Cassamassa and second by Mike Schultz to offer a three-year contract to Brandon Schuster for snow removal and some road maintenance in the town starting in 2020. The Board will meet with Mr. Schuster to finalize the terms and conditions of the contract.
Dan Dowell and Mike Schultz will continue to hold the position of Zoning Administrators for another two years. John Phillips has been appointed to a three-year term as an alternate on the zoning committee.
In fund raisers held by the Iola Fire and Ambulance Departments they have been able to buy a robotic CPR machine for the Iola ambulance service.
Calls and concerns received by the Board during the month were discussed.
A motion was made by Mike Schultz and second by Ann Cassamassa to adjourn the meeting at 8 p.m. Motion carried.