The regular monthly meeting for the Town of Harrison was held on Monday, Dec. 15, at Northland Church.
Chairman Dean Lashua called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Present at the meeting were Rose Troast, Timothy and Colleen O’Connor, Bob Kasson, Brandon Schuester, Mike Schultz, John Phillips, Jon Ann Kasson, and Fran Moen.
The Clerk’s minutes from the previous meeting were read. A motion was made by Mike Schultz and second by John Phillips to accept the minutes as read. Motion carried.
The Treasurer’s report was given, the beginning balance on Nov. 1, was $135,461.83. Deposits for the month of November were $10,403.55 and the total of checks written was $16,012.23 leaving a balance in the account on Nov. 30 of $129,853.15. The money market account collected $7.66 in interest leaving a balance in the account of $62,125.58. The ARPA account has a balance of $23,942.94.
New Business
Timothy and Collen O’Connor asked the board if there was any way they can reclaim the 200 feet of town roadway that is on their land at the west end of South River Road. It is the end of a dead-end road and the 200 feet of road has not been maintained by the town in many years. The board has no objection to them claiming the land as it is not used by the town anymore. This matter will be tabled until the Board can seek legal advice on how to resolve the issue to the satisfaction of both parties.
A motion was made by John Phillips and second by Mike Schultz to move $25,000 from the regular checking account to the Money Market account before the end of the year. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Mike Schultz and second by John Phillips to renew the Memo of Understanding for the Statewide Wisvote System that we have with Waupaca County for the years 2023 and 2024. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Phillips and second by Mike Schultz to set the date of the caucus for 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 21, 2023, at Northland Church. Motion carried.
Calls and concerns received by the board during the month were discussed.
A motion was made by John Phillips and second by Mike Schultz to adjourn the meeting at 7 p.m. Motion carried.