The regular monthly meeting for the Town of Harrison was held at Northland Lutheran Church on Monday, Dec. 11.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Lashua at 6:30 p.m. Present at the meeting were Brandon Schuster, Carrie Powell, Mike Schultz, Johnathon Munoz, John Phillips, Becky Schultz, and Fran Moen.
The Treasurer’s report was given. The beginning balance in the checkbook on Nov. 1 was $66,949.59. The total of deposits for the month was $10,272.14 and the total of expenditures was $13,513.32 leaving a balance of $63,708.41 on Nov. 30. The Money Market account collected $10.76 in interest for the month leaving a balance of $87,255.02 and the ARPA account has a balance of $23,978.87.
Old Business
A letter has been sent to the landowner who has a dump site on their property that is in violation of town zoning ordinance. The Board has given the owner 60 days to clean up the site.
New Business
Johnathon Munoz from Rural Insurance went over the Town policy with the Board. Town coverage will stay the same.
Becky Schultz discussed the hazards of speeding on some of our town roads. The Board will look into the possibility of changing the speed limit from 55mph to 45mph.
A motion was made by Mike Schultz and second by John Phillips to have the following people on the election board for the year 2024. They are Diane Erickson, Diana Anderson, Rose Troast, Patricia Johnson, Sally VanEpern, Tracey Guzman, Carried Powell, and Ted Moen. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Mike Schultz and second by John Phillips to move $20,000 from the general checking account to the Money Market account. Motion carried.
A motion was made by John Phillips and second by Mike Schultz to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m. Motion carried.