Town of Harrison approves building administrator contract and reviews school referendum

Northland Lutheran Church

The Town of Harrison Board convened its regular monthly meeting on Monday, Feb. 10, at Northland Church. Chairman Dean Lashua called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., with all board members present.

The meeting covered key issues, including the approval of a contract for the town’s building administrator and a discussion about an upcoming school district referendum.

Treasurer’s Report

The meeting began with the reading of the previous meeting’s minutes, which were approved following a motion by John Phillips and a second by Chairman Lashua. The treasurer’s report detailed the town’s financial standing as of Jan. 31. The town had a beginning balance of $411,258.58 at the start of the year. January deposits amounted to $564,302.80, while expenditures totaled $324,719.22, leaving a final balance of $650,842.16. The Money Market account collected $15.60 in interest, bringing its balance to $122,445.85.

Administrator Contract

In old business, the board reviewed and signed a contract for Paul Hahn to continue as the Building Administrator for Harrison in 2025. This decision ensures that building regulations and inspections will be properly managed in the town for the upcoming year.

School Referendum Discussion

In new business, Dennis Kaczor from the Rosholt School District addressed the board regarding an upcoming referendum that will appear on the April election ballot. He explained that the referendum is legally required to be on the ballot this spring since there is no fall election. If passed, the measure would not take effect until 2026, when the current referendum expires. Kaczor encouraged residents with questions to contact the Rosholt School District for more information.

Other Business

The board decided that the new town clerk could attend any training classes deemed beneficial to her position without prior board approval, as long as the cost of each class did not exceed $100. Additionally, the board reviewed calls and concerns received from residents over the past month, though no specific actions were reported.

Following the completion of all agenda items, a motion to adjourn was made by John Phillips and seconded by Chairman Lashua. The meeting concluded at 7:45 p.m.

The next meeting of the board will be on Monday, March 10.