Now on the StoryWalk® in Jorgens Park Preserve in Scandinavia is “Pick a Circle, Gather Squares: A Fall Harvest of Shapes.” This clever concept book follows a family on a trip to a pumpkin patch and invites children to pick out shapes from the seasonal scenery—apple bushel circles, square hay bales, diamond kites in the autumn sky! Felicia Sanzari Chernesky’s sweet verses are perfectly complemented by Susan Swan’s gorgeous collage-inspired art.
Highway B Bridge in Scandinavia will reopen on Wednesday, Oct. 12, after the ribbon-cutting ceremony at 1 p.m.
The Scandinavia Booster Club recently presented a check for $5000 to the Scandinavia Fire Department.
Are you ready for some Packers football from England? If not, 10LA Corner Bar & Grill has you covered on Sunday, Oct. 9, with open doors at 7:30 a.m. with $2 Bloody Marys and Screwdrivers and free eats at halftime including quiche and homemade cinnamon rolls.
Crystal Café’s pies again made the list of best apple pies in the state in a posting at Best Things in Wisconsin on Oct. 5!