Scandinavia Booster Club Golf Outing a go June 27

By Scandinavia Booster Club

We wanted to reach out and first of all thank everyone who has already signed up for our golf outing, donated, or helped get all the details together during this crazy time in life!

First off, we want to assure you this event WILL happen unless a turn of events happens and we for any reason get put back in lockdown and are state ordered to do so. So get your teams and all your gear ready!

Secondly, unfortunately with the no mass gathering order, which we would like to follow as best as we can, we will not be having our normal sit-down post golf dinner. BUT we would like to add a HUGE positive, we still want to feed our golfers so will be providing a lunch on the turn from Iron Grille.

Third, the bar will be open and there will be a beverage cart! Two thumbs up for that!

Fourth, we will have a raffle table with a drop bucket system. This means after golf we will not be gathering for the dinner and drawing of the raffle prizes. We will pull winners and post them to Facebook and/or call the winners! If you are traveling from afar, guess what? We are willing to meet to drop off your prizes. We would also like to make aware that we feel very hesitant to ask for donations, as many businesses have suffered greatly during this time. With that being said please be aware our raffle tables may be slimmed down from previous years, but we are trying our hardest for this event.

Fifth, we want everyone to have a great time! If you are not comfortable being in our golf outing and have already signed up please send us an email or Facebook message, we will be sad to see you go, but understand in every way!

Sixth, we have decided as a committee our profit from this year’s event will go to other small local “Booster” businesses in need (These businesses have yet to be decided).

Seventh, our cost will remain the same, $60 per golfer and $30 for members of Glacier Wood Golf Course. This price includes golf, cart, lunch, and a few other donated goodies provided by Scandinavia Booster Club and Central Wisconsin Electric Cooperative!

Eighth, why haven’t you signed up yet? Signup at

We apologize for the long drawn out message, but it is something we feel we need to reassure our golfers about! We will make this event as safe as possible all the way through while still managing to have a good time!