By the Waupaca County Republican Party
Republicans from across the 8th Congressional District met recently at Stubborn Brother’s in Shawano.
Speakers included State Sen. Eric Wimberger, Representative Elijah Behnke, U.S. Rep. Mike Gallagher, and U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson. Other state representatives were also in attendance as well. Waupaca County had six members in attendance as delegates.
The following resolutions were passed (brief summary):
Resolution Feedback from Elected Officials – requires elected state representatives to give an update on what they are doing to support District resolutions.
Preserving Privacy and Opportunity for Females – males and females be permitted to use only those bathrooms consistent with their chromosomes.
Election Reform and Integrity – supports the statements and intent of AR3, asks Wisconsin Legislature to hold hearings and investigate election irregularities, hold WEC accountable, asks the Legislature to impose sever penalties on those who engage in ballot harvesting, and recommends WEC be dissolved and eliminated, and the Legislature assume the duties and functions of WEC.
Change August Primary to April – recommends elimination of the August partisan primary and it be moved to occur at the same time as non-partisan election in April; recommends that if a single candidate does not receive 50 percent of the vote in a partisan primary in April that the two to vote-getters have a runoff election in June.
Protecting Freedom of Speech, Thought, and Expression at Institutions of Higher Education – recognizes free speech zones and restrictive speech codes are at odds with freedom of speech guaranteed in the First Amendment; recognizes that higher education institutions should facilitate and recommit themselves to protecting free speech; encourages the Legislature to adopt legislation that prohibits public higher education institutions from silencing speech and expressive activities; encourage Tommy Thompson to enforce the Commitment to Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression in the Regent Policy Document 4-21 and promote policies that promote free speech, and encourages Josh Kaul to defend and protect the First Amendment.
Mail-In Ballot Transparency – determines that clerks should be required by Statute to make available to the public, their tallies of all certified mail-in ballots as polls open on election day to include all information relating to Absentee Voter Requests and the total number of ballots mailed out, received to-date, outstanding, military, determined uncertified, etc.
These resolutions are not law, they are simply recommendations that will now go forward to the state convention.