Public comments at Village of Iola Police Committee Feb. 5 meeting

Concern expressed over police “targeting” drinking establishment customers

The Village of Iola held a Police Committee meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 4, at Iola Village Hall.

What appears below are the minutes of the meeting as posted on the village’s website.

Minutes of the March 4 committee meeting won’t be posted until they are approved by the Village Board.

The Open Meeting Statement was read by Chair Pamela Parks. Other committee members in attendance were David Harper and Jim Rasmussen.

Others present included: Police Chief Paul Zierler; Laura J. Krogwold, Clerk/Treasurer; Sharyl Peterson, Trustee for the Village of Iola; Jennifer Schustek, Village of Iola President; Jennifer O’Malley, Mike Richberg, Holly Neuman, Sherri Miller, Steve Steeber, Mark McCoy, Kevin Michalowski, Nolan Kayon, Sam Kayon, Laura Marker, and David Maloney.

These are the comments made by those in attendance submitted by P. Parks.

First public comment, by Sherry M.– “Things have gotten out of hand.” “Officer Colton is targeting and running license plates.” “Colton is in Manawa, on duty, and speaking about Iola.” “Tim was not happy about this.” “As a business-witness within 2 hours 9 people pulled over.” “I think that is excessive for being pulled over going 2 to 3 miles over speed limit.” “I could understand 5 to 7 miles over.” Another example, “like getting a ticket for leaving gate open and given a $450 fine.” “No one asked why the gate was opened.” “I am concerned with the police looking specifically for someone.” “Targeting” “As a business owner, I am being targeted.” I feel I will feel retribution for even speaking tonight.” “Reputable people from Scandinavia are not even coming to Iola.” “I am concerned that the night officer is just sitting and running peoples plates.” “As a business owner, we need to work together in this town concerning the police.”

Mark M. Public comment- “The first time I met Colton was on a Tuesday at 10pm. He came by five times past the business. I was the only business open at the time. I spoke to Colton about it. We had a good exchange.” “Another thing, an officer sits in the golf course parking lot during business hours. That’s a problem for customers and business.” “I also have budget concerns. It is approaching approximately $300,000.”

“I have had other officers in the past, sitting across from my bar and also watching the intersection one night-it was pool league night-and customers were trying to leave with their six-packs – it is about 9 p.m. – and no one wants to leave with the Chief or another officer sitting out the door of my business. It is not necessary for the police to watch.”

Mark M. handed at the beginning of the Police Meeting, a packet. Mark M. Now referring to this packet in his Public Comment- “Colton’s father was a police officer in Manawa.” “I would think twice about this person building your house.”

Laura M. Public Comment- “People are not wanting to come to Iola. You hear this all the way in Manawa.” ”People are not interested in shooting pool or coming to my business.” “People are getting pulled over and stopped on the sidewalks.” (This happened during the Chilli Cook-off.)

Sherry M. Public Comment- “So, how many full and part time officers do we have?”

Pamela Parks Public Comment- “Chief how many full and part time officers does Iola have?”

Chief P Public Comment- “We have 3 full time and 2 part time officers.”

Sherry M. Public Comment- “Waupaca has 10 full and part time officers.” “Should an officer be allowed to take a squad car while off duty?”

Chief P Public Comment- “Official duty was part of this.” “I was meeting with the DA.”

Mark M. Public Comment- (Regarding the number of full time on duty: I did not get the exact comment)

Kevin Public Comment- “I think there is a misunderstanding.” “When any officer is on duty there is one patrolling.

Stacy H. (?) Public Comment- “Shift work.”

Sherry M. Public Comment- “There is room for compromise.” “Rumours are feeling but they can kill a community. ”Like being afraid to come into town because of a ‘certain’ officer on duty.”

Mark M. Public Comment- “Can we see the facts and corroborate our feeling?” “Can we see the tickets and the frequencies?”

Some discussion over when and where the above 9 traffic stops took place- Steve M. Public Comment- “Customers were scared when they hear that people leaving were being pulled over?

Jennifer S. Public Comment- “The police are here for your safety.”

Mark M. Public Comment- “Other officers’ names are not coming up, like Ben.” But some past officers were problems. I cannot think of their names right now.”

Pamela Parks Public Comment- Address Mark M. “What time of day do most of these issues happen?”

Mark M. Public Comment- “After dark is when this is happening.” “Officers park across the street in the day doing paper work-“

Sherry M. Public Comment- “Well, 5 to midnight is the time frame.”

Steve M. Public Comment- Directing the question to Chief, “We are a small town. This looks like we are a “training town” for first time police officers looking for the first job because small town more likely to hire them, like a make or break opportunity until ready to go on.”

Chief Public Comment- “Not so much, but if they can do a good job.”

Sherry M. Public Comment- “I want to bring up three things: equipment, training, and taxes.” “Would it not be cheaper or more cost efficient to go to the county?” “Perhaps you should ask the residents the question?”

Jim R. Public Comment- “Have a referendum and let Villagers decide?”

“It was in the 90’s that it was discussed to eliminate the Police Department. There were protests and the president at the time resigned.” “It was decided then to keep the Police Department within the Village.” “Also, a referendum is a taxpayer choice.”

Sherry M. Final Public Comment- “I did not start this.” “I felt targeted.”

Pamela parks, the presiding chair of the Police Committee responded- “This committee would review the information presented and have a follow up meeting scheduled for Monday, February 24  at 9 a.m., Village Hall.

A petition was submitted by Laura Marker, signed by 39 of her customers stating they have witnessed unfair targeting by local law enforcement and how it can severely impact local business.

It was determined that a written list of accusations from the accusing parties be submitted to the Village Clerk in order for the accusation to be investigated by the Police Committee members.

The Police Committee will hold a closed session meeting on Monday, February 24th at 9:00 AM to review any accusations presented.  Then on Tuesday, March 4th at 5:30 PM the Police Committee will hold a public meeting to address any accusations presented.

Motion made by J. Rasmussen to adjourn.  Second, by D. Harper.  Motion passed.