Around Town
STARRY NIGHT PROGRAM: Join Bill Wendtlandt at the Iola Public Library on Tuesday, March 11, at 5:30 p.m. for a program on the solar system and the Winter/Spring sky.
Around the State
TELE-TOWN HALL: US Rep. Tony Wied (R-8th District) will hold his first tele-town hall on Monday, March 10, at 6:45 p.m. Fellow Republican US Rep. Tom Tiffany will be the special guest. Call-in details are 866-495-1093.
RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL: Energy companies are battling it out in Wisconsin over a Right of First Refusal bill (Senate Bill 28), allowing the utilities to pick the company that will handle their construction work, without offering bids to other companies or firms. The utilities say it will save taxpayers $1 billion over the coming years. But Americans for Prosperity-Wisconsin believes it will result in higher rates for consumers and all ratepayers by making the process monopolistic. Both sides say their way will save taxpayers’ money. The MacIver Institute says there is a 37 percent cost savings with competitive bidding.
DEMOCRATS BAN MEDIA: The Polk County Democrats Steering Committee has decided to ban all local media, including the Inter-County Leader, from its meetings. Read the story posted by the Wisconsin Newspaper Association here.