Mondasy Iola-Scandinaia news tidbits

Around Town

BEADED WIRE TREES: Created beaded wire trees at the Scandinavia Public Library on Saturday, Aug. 19, from 9:30 a.m.-noon. Choose one of two different tree styles, then learn the beading and wire twisting skills to make it. The library will provide a variety of wire, beads, and anchoring stones. Add in your own wire twisting choices, and every tree is sure to be unique! This program will take place on Saturday, August 19 from 9:30 a.m. until noon. While the steps to make a tree are fairly simple, it will require both fine motor skills and finger strength to bead the wires and twist them into shape. We recommend this program for individuals around age 11 through adult. Younger children can attend with an older caretaker who will assist them. Your needle-nose pliers may also be helpful while making this project.

CONES WITH COPS: Save the date, Cones with Cops will be held on Thursday, Aug. 24, from 5-7 p.m. at Shivers/Chet Krause Park.

Job Opportunities

SCANDIHUS: Weekday and Saturday help needed, bring in resume and availability or email

IOLA-SCANDINAVIA SCHOOL DISTRICT: Iola-Scandinavia School District has openings in the following positions: Elementary Education Assistant go here, and Middle School Special Education Assistant go here.

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