The Iola Village Library has some fun and interesting programs planned for March.
The 3rd Food and Friendship program will be held Tuesday, March 10, at 6 p.m. The theme for this evening will be “green food or Irish food”. Bring a dish to pass and your recipe to share and join us for a good time with great friends. RSVP to 715-445-4330.
Mystery Book Club is held the third Thursday of the month, March 19, at noon. This month’s book is Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn.
The week of March 23-27 is Spring Break in Iola. Children and their families are invited to join us for programs for all ages.
Monday, March 23, at 1 p.m. is Lego Building Challenge. You may build by yourself, with a friend or as a family group. When you are finished building we will put your creation on display for everyone to see.
On Wednesday, March 25, at 1 p.m. there will be a family movie. The movie will be G or PG and will be entertaining for all ages. Popcorn will be served.
Friday, March 27, at 1 p.m. is STEAM, science, technology, engineering, art and math for all ages.
There will also be a program for teens and adults on Tuesday, March 24, at 6:30 p.m. Enjoy an artsy evening making DIY Watercolor Word Art. Please RSVP for this program.
The Iola Village Library is located at 180 South Main Street above the village hall with a handicapped accessible street level entrance at the rear of the building. For questions or more information call 715-445-4330 or check us out on Facebook.