Letter to Editor: Sand mine passed today 4-1

This is not over

Signage opposing the sand pit.

By Greg Ambrosius

Voting against the permit the same as he did on Aug. 22 was Joe McClone. Cindy Hardy and Wayne Wilfeur changed their votes from no to yes today. Chairman Jim Nygaard and DuWayne Federitz both voted yes for the second straight time.

Today’s decision to approve the sand mine permit in the Township of Scandinavia was extremely disappointing and a gut punch to the residents of our community. The Waupaca County Planning and Zoning Committee already voted 3-2 to deny the permit, but after Faulks Bros. appealed two members changed their votes. How? There was no new evidence provided since the Aug. 22 vote, so how legally could any board member change their vote?
Guaranteed our neighborhood group will appeal this decision and we are working right now with a lawyer on the next step. All of the facts are on our side that this permit is not in compliance with the Township of Scandinavia’s Comprehensive Plan and thus not in compliance with Waupaca County Ordinance Chapter 34 and therefore not in compliance with Act 67. We will prove that before one shovel gets into the ground. This is not over.

I will also state that today the Waupaca County Planning and Zoning Committee overturned the Township of Scandinavia’s decision to deny the permit. They are telling the township they know what is better for their community and using Act 67 to change this decision. In fact, County Attorney Diane Meulemans told the board on Aug. 22 they “must approve” the permit based on Act 67. 

She is so wrong, and we will prove why this permit legally should have been denied. It still is not in compliance with the Township’s Comprehensive Plan and thus is not in compliance with Waupaca County Ordinance Chapter 34 and therefore is not in compliance with Act 67. We have some work to do, but we will prove all of this. Stay with us and support us if you can.

Thank you.

Local news coverage of meeting

A news story about the meeting can be read here.