Let me dispel some misleading information

By Mike Richberg

My name is Mike Richberg, and I am running for Iola Village Board President. I am writing this letter to try and dispel some of the misleading things that have been said about me in various publications.

First, I would like to make it abundantly clear that I am in no way shape, or form running so that I can defund the police should I win. I have supported law enforcement my entire life, this election will not change that. What I have stated is that given that the Police Department expense is the second largest line item in the village budget, we aren’t doing our jobs exploring alternatives to see if there is a less expensive way to keep our village safe, we owe it to the village to discuss all reasonable options. Maybe there is, maybe there isn’t but simply proceeding with the status quo without any consideration, isn’t doing what’s right for our community.

Second, yes, it is true that the tavern owners in the village support my candidacy, and I have welcomed their support. Why shouldn’t I? They are local businesses just like any other. They know that I am not running to be their “man on the inside.” I am running to represent everyone that resides in the village and every business that brings revenue into our village. The people who support me know that integrity and honesty are part of the core values and beliefs I live by.

Finally, I will take all ideas, thoughts, criticisms, and suggestions from any source who cares enough and takes the time to share them with me. I will take any feedback offered to me and give equal attention and weight to everything and everyone who shares their views. I will use that information, in collaboration with the trustees, to make the best and right decision about what is best for our village and our residents.