Below are some interesting facts gleaned from articles from various sources, which are indicated following the facts.
Student loan bailout
A majority of likely voters (55.6%) say they are less likely to vote for candidates who support’s Biden’s $500 billion edict to cancel college debt, according to the poll from Convention of States Action.
The survey, conducted Sept. 2-5 by national pollster The Trafalgar Group, found nearly two-thirds of Independents (65%) won’t cast a ballot for a candidate that backs the student loan forgiveness plan.
According to the 2020 U.S. Census, nearly 70% of Wisconsinites ages 25 and older do not hold a Bachelor’s degree. – Empower Wisconsin, Sept. 13, 2022
Slavery in the world
The United Nations’ International Labour Organization and International Organization for Migration found that there were about 28 million people in forced labor around the world in 2021 and about 22 million in forced marriages. That is an increase of nearly 10 million people in modern forms of slavery in 2016.
Somalia, Sudan, and Libya are all listed among countries with crises of human trafficking and “forced commercial sexual exploitation.” All three countries sit on the U.N. Human Rights Council. So does Venezuela, listed as a concern for countries using anti-terrorism laws as a form of political persecution. Pakistan is also on the council, despite being singled out for “the imposition of compulsory labour as a means of racial or religious discrimination.” – Washington Examiner, Sept. 14, 2022
America’s fatherless children
Right now, America leads the world in the number of fatherless children — by a lot. Currently, there are about 18.4 million children without fathers across our nation, or 23 percent of all American children, which is more than three times the world average.
In total, about 70 percent of high school dropouts are from homes without fathers. – Washington Examiner, Sept. 14, 2022