Iola Village Board Nov. 9 minutes

Iola Community Center sign

The Village of Iola Board met at 6 p.m. on Nov. 9 in the Iola Community Center’s Senior Room.

The meeting was called to order by President Joel Edler, opening meeting statement were made by President Joel Edler. President Edler lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken, present: President Joel Edler, Jim Rasmussen, Terry Murphy, Pamela Parks, Dave Harper, Missy Fenn & Kathy Briquelet. Others present: Glenn Tetzlaff, Paul Zierler, Curt Fields & clerk Betty Aanstad.

A motion was made by Dave Harper to approve the agenda, Missy Fenn seconded the motion. Motion carried.

A motion was entertained by President Edler to vacate the 28 feet of property between 410 West Iola Street and 390 West Iola Street, Resolution 20-08 (WHEREAS, the Village now wishes to discontinue and abandon said portion of Summit Street pursuant to the above referenced Wisconsin Statute. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Iola as follows:

1. It is the intention of said Board of Trustees to abandon and discontinue the portion of Summit Street located North of Iola Street and South of State Street. Said street is more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference.

2. The abandonment hereinabove described is contingent upon a reservation as follows: The Village of Iola reserves a non-exclusive vehicular and equipment access easement for purposes of maintaining and improving the water line located underneath that portion of Summit Street.

Jim Rasmussen made the motion to approve Resolution 20-08, (to see the complete resolution view the minutes from the 5:30 p.m. Public Hearing. Pamela Parks seconded the motion. Voted 7 Yes 7 No O. Motion carried by a vote of 7 to 0. Motion carried.

Jim Rasmussen made a motion to approve Paul Zierler to acting chief for the Village of Iola, effective Nov. 1, 2020. Terry Murphy seconded it. Motion carried.

Jim Rasmussen made a motion to approve Curt Fields to sergeant, effective Nov. 1, 2020. Dave Harper seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Jim Rasmussen made a motion to approve a raise for Acting Chief Paul Zierler as follows: $2,000 Nov. 1, 2020; 2% Jan. 1, 2021; $2,000 May 1, 2021, pending 6-month review. Dave Harper seconded it. Motion carried.

Jim Rasmussen made a motion to approve a raise with Curt Fields promotion to Sergeant as follows: $2,000 Nov. 1, 2020; 4% Jan. 1, 2021. Dave Harper seconded it. Motion carried.

Dave Harper made a motion to approve part-time officers’ hourly wages to increase to as follows: Nov. 1, 2020 $15, Jan. 1, 2021 $16, July 1, 2021 $16.50, Jan. 1, 2022 $17. Jim Rasmussen seconded it. Motion carried.

Jim Rasmussen made a motion to increase village employee wages 2% effective Jan. 1, 2021. Except for Police personal, they will follow the above wage increases for 2021. Dave Harper seconded. Motion carried.

Glenn Tetzlaff discussed relining the sewer lines on Grove Street. Public Works was out clearing sewer lines on Grove Street the last few weeks and found that the sewer lines are caving in and will need to be replaced immediately. Glenn informed the board that only two companies in the state that he has found do the type of work needed to fix the lines. The Proposal from Visu-Sewer was for 630 linear feet of 8” National Liner @ $38.50 per linear foot, total $24, 225. He is waiting for the second quote to come in from Terra.

President Edler entertained a motion to let Glenn make the decision once the second bid was received for relining Grove Street. Dave Harper made the motion, Pamela Parks second. Motion carried.

Replacement of 3⁄4 ton Truck – no action taken

Approval of 2021 Budget – no action taken at this time. A special meeting was scheduled for Monday Nov. 16th, 2020.

Workhorse – no action taken at this time.

Committee reports

Protection of Persons and Property Committee, Police Report: Alarms 1; Animal Complaints 4; Assist EMS 4; Assist Sherriff Primary 2; Citizen Assist/Motorist Assist 2; Disorderly Conduct 2; Extra Patrol Requests 1; Extra Patrol 2; Found Property 1; Fraud 1; Harassment 1; Information 1; Investigate Person 1; Lockout 1; Suspicious 6; Traffic Enforcement 1; Traffic Hazard 1; Welfare Check 1. 33 total calls of activity logged in October 2020; 20 calls logged in September 2020.

Dave Harper made a motion for the finance committee to approve the Village of Iola bills for the month on Wednesday Nov. 11, 2020 in the Senior Center. Terry Murphy seconded. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Jim Rasmussen to adjourn the meeting. Dave Harper seconded. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned by Joel Edler.