Iola Village Board March 8 minutes


The Village of Iola Board of Trustees met at 6 p.m. on Monday, March 8, in the Senior Room of the Iola Community Center.

The meeting was called to order by President Joel Edler. He led the Pledge of Allegiance and was followed by a moment of silence.

Roll call was taken by Clerk Betty Aanstad. Board Members Present: President Joel Edler, Jim Rasmussen, Dave Harper, Terry Murphy; Virtual: Kathy Briquelet, Missy Fenn, Pamela Parks; Others present: Clerk Betty Aanstad, Curt Fields, Acting Chief Paul Zierler, Larry Flowers, Dennis Harms and John Adams; Virtual: Bruce Meagher, Greg Loescher, Holly Neumann, Glenn Tetzlaff, Acting Chief Paul Zierler.

A motion was made by Terry Murphy to approve the Agenda for the March 8 Regular Board Meeting, motion seconded by Dave Harper. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dave Harper to adopt the minutes from the Regular Board Meeting for Feb. 8, Jim Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Jim Rasmussen to appoint Laura Krogwold as deputy clerk for the Village of Iola to cover when Clerk Aanstad is out of the office. Dave Harper seconded. Motion carried.

A discussion was had about property owners in violation of village codes and zoning. (junk, snow removal, lawn mowing). Dave Harper made a motion to refer snow removal and lawn mowing to Public Property and Streets Committee (Pamela Parks, chairman; Kathy Briquelet and Missy Fenn), Terry Murphy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Dave Harper made a motion to refer the junk to the Police Committee (Terry Murphy, chairman; Jim Rasmussen and Dave Harper), Jim Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Bruce Meagher talked with Mike Mazemke regarding the Car Show ground numbering system, Mike spoke with the GIS people and they said if the Village Board is in favor of the new streets and numbers that is fine with the County. They will do whatever the Village Board says. The request has been submitted (see Dec. 14, 2020, minutes), a motion was made to grant the Car Show approval for the streets and numbers as submitted. Dave Harper made the motion, motion seconded by Terry Murphy. Motion carried.

Glenn Tetzlaff talked about the possibilities of purchasing a snowblower and/or lawn mower or the option of purchasing a new lawn mower and snow blower attachment. Glenn will be compiling some options and pricing to present to the board at the April 12 Board meeting.

Terry Murphy made a motion of Approval of U.S. Cellular tower located on Jenson Drive temporarily July 1-31, 2021 for the car show. Jim Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Protection of Persons and Property Committee: No police report. Acting Chief Zierler reported that he will be out four to six weeks to recuperate. A new full-time officer was hired as of May 1. He comes from Red Granite and will be helping part time until Paul returns.

Personnel: Jim Rasmussen said it was recommended from the result of the interview process that the employee handbook policy for probation be increased to 18 months retroactive to March 1st, 2021. Jim made a motion for all full-time employees to have an 18-month probationary period. Terry Murphy seconded the motion. Motion carried.

It was stated that the new hire for the police department will start as of May 1 full-time with all benefits. However, he will be working between now and May 1 part-time due to the Acting Police Chief being out. Dave Harper made a motion to incorporate that information into the minutes of the meeting. Pamela Parks asked about his probationary period starting since he will be coming on board immediately. Dave stated his probationary period will start as of May. Jim Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Public Property and Streets: Pamela talked about opening the Community Center back up and cleaning. Dave Harper suggested that the Community Center opening be postponed until May 1 due to the changes in the board. Pamela Parks made a motion to postpone the opening to May 1. Dave Harper seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Nursing Home update: At this time no new information from the courts other than what was reported last regular board meeting.

Finance Bills: Dave Harper made a motion to approve paying the bills after Kathy Briquelet has had time to review them on Wednesday March 10. Jim Rasmussen and Dave Harper have already reviewed them. Jim seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Correspondence and Communications: Dave Harper made a motion to schedule the re- organizational meeting for 5:45 p.m. April 12. Jim Rasmussen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Other business

Dennis Harms and Larry Flowers talked about junk and what can be done regarding a property located in their area and the zoning and junk on the property. It was decided that the Police Committee would meet on Monday March 15 at 5 p.m. Sergeant Fields and David Forsythe, legal counsel for the Police Department, will also be present.

Greg Loescher had an update on Vidar. Charlie Wasrud had been working on him, he has been fixing up cracks and has been working on figuring out a way to attach him to a concrete pad. In about a month when it dries out, they will view the area as to where to put him back up. They are hoping to have him back up by Memorial Day.

Greg stated there are going to be costs involved. Juda from Alchemy Concrete will be doing the labor for free. The materials will need to be paid. Greg stated the head of the Chamber may be willing to kick in some money, Greg said he would also be willing to. It was brought up about an offer of support from the bank, Greg stated they had but can not do anything until they have an actual cost. Jim asked where they are planning to locate it. Greg stated they are planning to put him back where he was, however since his location was previously on a hilly area, they will be moving him to a flatter area, towards the maple tree behind the kiosk.

A motion was entertained by President Edler to adjourn the meeting. Jim Rasmussen made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Dave Harper seconded the motion. Motion carried. President Edler adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m.