Iola Village Board Jan. 11 minutes

Iola Community Center sign

The Iola Village Board met on Monday, Jan. 11, in the Iola Community Center’s Senior Room at 6 p.m.

The meeting was called to order by President Joel Edler.

President Edler led the Pledge of Allegiance and was followed by a moment of silence.

Roll call was done by Clerk Betty Aanstad. Board present: President Joel Edler, Jim Rasmussen, Dave Harper, Terry Murphy; Virtual: Kathy Briquelet, Pamela Parks. Others present: Clerk Betty Aanstad, Acting Chief Zierler, Virtual: Jennifer Schustek and Bruce Meagher.

A motion was made by Dave Harper to approve the agenda for the Jan. 11 board meeting, motion

seconded by Terry Murphy. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dave Harper to approve the minutes from the Dec. 14, 2020, Board Meeting at

6 p.m., Dec. 14, 2020, Finance Meeting at 5 p.m., 2021 Proposed Budget Meeting held Nov. 16,

2020, Iola CDA Meeting held Nov. 9, 2020, Village of Iola Board Hearing Nov. 9, 2020, at 5:30 p.m.,

Nov. 9, 2020, Board Meeting at 6 p.m. Seconded by Jim Rasmussen. Motion carried.

Nursing Home Bankruptcy update: Bruce reported claim has been prepared and filed with the courts on behalf

of the Iola Utilities.

Car Show Grounds roadway approval: No update.

New Business

Joel Edler entertained a motion to accept the “Disallowance for claim regarding scooter accident” for Linda

Carol Bunge that was prepared by attorney Meagher. Dave Harper made the motion, Pamela Parks seconded.

Motion carried.

Jim Rasmussen made a motion to keep the Village Hall closed until April 1, 2021, to public meetings. Pamela

Parks seconded it. Motion carried.

Resolution for Line of Credit in 2021 with Bank First was approved.

Dog Park: No action taken; a committee will be put together to present options to the board for approval.

Jim Rasmussen made a motion to let all old voting machines (3-Edge Machines, 1-Optec Insight) go for the

Village of Iola if the new machine arrives by March 20. Dave Harper seconded. Motion carried.

Operator’s License was applied for by JD’s Corner Bar, license is approved pending police background check.


Police Report: Acting Chief Zierler made a report regarding calls. Terry Murphy moved to approve the

report, Pamela Parks seconded it. Motion carried.

Personnel: A committee meeting is to be scheduled for January 19, 2021 at 5 p.m, to discuss writing

up an advertisement for another officer in the Village of Iola.

Finance: bills – Dave Harper made a motion to approve the bills as soon as Kathy Briquelet has had a

chance to review the bills on Wednesday. Seconded by Jim Rasmussen. Motion carried.

A motion was entertained by President Edler to adjourn the meeting. Jim Rasmussen made the motion and Dave

Harper seconded the motion to adjourn. Motion carried. President Edler adjourned the meeting at 6:36 p.m.