Iola-Scandinavia T-Bird Spotlight: Sam Bertsch

Sam Bertsch

By Iola-Scandinavia School District

Sam Bertsch is married to his wife, Kristen. They have two children, Lucy and Ryan. Lucy has a bunch of fish and they will be getting a dog in July. Sam has three siblings.

Sam graduated from Edgerton High School in 1994. He has a Bachelors from University of Wisconsin, Whitewater.

He chose to work in a school because “I enjoy connecting with kids and making a positive difference in their lives.”

Sam likes going on road trips. “Some of my best trips have been to Maine, Washington, Wyoming, and South Dakota. If it has trails and camping, I’m going there!”

Some of his hobbies include biking, hiking, running, camping, and chasing Ryan and Lucy.

Some other positions Sam has held are basketball referee, grocery store clerk, stocker, and bagger.

One of his goals is to make the best of any day and focus on the positive.

He lists his greatest accomplishment as landing a great job in the I-S School District!

Something you may not know about Sam is that he rode his bicycle across Wisconsin and has completed three marathons.

On weekends, he enjoys family adventures.

He has coached basketball at I-S for 22 years.

His favorite sports teams are Cubs, Badgers, Packers, and T-Birds. His favorite music is jazz. His favorite book is Hatchet by Gary Paulson and favorite movie is The Sandlot.

Thank you Sam for all that you do!