It costs the Iola-Scandinavia School District $4.68 per lunch served and $2.76 per breakfast served in the 2022-23 school year through Oct. 31. It is running a $21,140 deficit through Oct. 31.
Typically, school districts run deficits for school meal programs.
Each lunch generates $3.34 in revenue and breakfast $2.05. Each lunch loses $1.34 and breakfast 71 cents.
Through Oct. 31, federal reimbursement for lunches amounted to $16,041, receipts are $26,118, and ala carte receipts tallied $4,758 for a total of $46,917.
Expenditures for lunches included $44,724 for labor, $15,658 for food, and $5,368 for “Other” for a total of $65,750.
The lunch program balance is at a negative $18,833.
For the breakfast program, federal reimbursement is $4,303 and receipts $2,381 for a total of $6,684 through Oct. 31.
Expenditures for breakfasts included $3,259 for labor and $4,413 for food, and $1,319 for “Other”, for a total of $8,991.
The breakfast program balance is at a negative $2,307.
Through Oct. 31, students paid for lunch are 8,337 meals and breakfast 1,484; students free for lunch are 4,567 meals and breakfast 1,539; students reduced for lunch are 966 meals and breakfast 229. Adults buying lunch are 190 meals and breakfast 3.
Through Oct. 31, the district is serving 352 lunch meals per day and 81 breakfasts.
Student participation in lunch is at 65 percent and breakfast 15 percent.