The Village of Iola Police Committee convened on Tuesday, March 4, in the evening to address recent allegations against the Iola Police Department, ultimately determining that accusations of officers unfairly targeting bars and their patrons were unfounded.
The meeting, held at 5:30 p.m., was attended by committee members Pamela Parks and Dave Harper, along with other village officials and members of the public. Absent from the meeting was committee member James Rasmussen.
The primary focus of the meeting was the review of investigative findings related to complaints made by resident Sherri Miller. In a statement read by Chairwoman Pamela Parks, the committee concluded that there was no verifiable evidence supporting claims that police officers were targeting bars or their patrons during routine duties. The committee determined that the matter was closed unless sworn affidavits with verifiable evidence were submitted.
Public comments and disputes over recording
During the public presentations, several individuals voiced support for the police department. Village President Jennifer Schustek also read a statement in support of the department but was interrupted when Mark McCoy attempted to record the proceedings. Schustek requested he stop, leading to a brief dispute.
McCoy asserted his right to record the meeting and asked for the Wisconsin statute that prohibited him from doing so. Parks acknowledged she did not have the statute on hand but maintained that disruptions were not permitted. Ultimately, McCoy agreed to stop recording, with plans to discuss the matter with Parks later.
Committee’s findings on Police Department allegations
The committee presented findings from their investigation into claims made at the February 5 public meeting. The key conclusions included:
- Officers of the Iola Police Department were not found to have unfairly targeted bars or their patrons.
- Claims that nine individuals were pulled over outside the Thirsty Perch bar on a specific evening were proven to be false, as no traffic stops occurred that night.
- The committee expressed confidence that the police department provides good value to Iola taxpayers.
Parks emphasized that unless a sworn affidavit with verifiable details was provided, the committee considered the matter resolved. The investigative findings are available for review at the Clerk’s office for anyone with further questions.