Iola Lions raise $2,460 for Leader Dog program

Leader Dogs for the Blind Debi Delie receives a box of antlers.

By Iola Lionism

Leader Dogs for the Blind will have some happy canine trainees soon. Iola Lions collected and donated 164 antlers and sheds to the program recently, at an estimated value of $2,460.

Howard-Suamico Lion Debi Delie spoke to Lions Zone B2 members last fall about the Leader Dog training program and mentioned that one way to help would be to donate antlers to them. The antlers will be sanitized and provided to volunteers who are raising puppies for the program (rather than spending $15 or more each at a pet shop).

Iola Lion Sandi Moore was at that presentation and brought the idea back to her club. They were in favor. An 18x18x18 inch wooden box was crafted, stenciled, and stained. JR’s Sport Shop Owner Jody Mork graciously allowed us to place it at his business near downtown Iola.

At the Feb. 19 Iola Lions meeting, Moore presented Delie and her trainee Toffee with the antlers. For information about how can volunteer to train a service dog, call 1-888-777-5332.

In the meantime, as you walk through the woods, consider collecting sheds that you find for the Iola Lions starting again in Fall 2024.