Iola Lions improve Iola River Walk

By Iola Lions

Photo courtesy Iola Lions Club

The Iola Lions are focusing on Community Service this year.

This past Monday a group of Lions pressure washed sections of the Iola River Walk that were dirty from overhanging trees. They also trimmed brush and repaired portions of the River Walk. This was a considerable effort and we would like to thank the Lions, and Glenn Tetzlaf, Iola Village employee, who worked on this first part of the project.

The next step is to start the sealing of the wood on the River Walk.

There are a few decisions regarding the product to be applied and how to apply it that need to be determined. We will keep you informed as to the timing and date of the next phase of the project. We are hopeful that we can have a large turnout for that effort due to the scope of this project. Any community members who would be interested in helping with the next phase of this project should contact Lion Ralph at 715-445-2226.